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Revival.......why No Revival In America? Why More And More Takeover By The Ungodly?


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Yes, but the right kind of judgement.  There is a lot of judgement going on at the house of God, too bad it is judging those that are without, then those that are within.  If a pastor wants a lot of "amens" in his sermons, all he had to do is preach against sodomy, adultery, fornication, drunkenness,etc and don't forget Hollywood...you know, the kind of sins that mostly go on outside the church.  If he were to pick a topic such as Christians sending kids to public school and how it is sin, he wouldn't be hearing "amens" but most likely "get out"!  

That is a very big problem in some of churches. Preaching to the choir, as it were, is another aspect of tickling ears. Some choose to tickle ears by preaching "God wants you happy", feel good sermons while others choose to preach "God is angry with those other folks sins" while being careful not mention the sins afflicting those in the congregation.

We, individually and as local churches, are called to judge ourselves with the intention of discovering/discerning our sins, repenting of those sins and growing in Christ.


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That is the reason it doesn't matter how many times we recite, place on posters or declare 2 Chronicles 7:14 we won't see the results we claim to desire so much. The promises of God at the end of that verse are contingent first of all upon our humbling ourselves. We can't be humble when we are so full of pride and in our pride so often try to do things our own way rather than actually follow God's directions.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Notice the "If". God's promises are only offered to those who do as God says, the way He says, which requires of us true biblical humility, proper prayer, real seeking of God, and an actual turning from our wicked ways (sins), even our favorite and pet sins.


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