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On ‘Untold Er Stories,’ A Husband Had Rushed His Wife


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On ‘Untold ER Stories,’ a husband had rushed his wife to the hospital who was having a baby. And the doctor delivered the baby with her setting in the passenger seat. At which tie he asked the husband if he would like to cut the umbilical cord.
He was standing their with the scissors & a nurse standing to his right, the doctor standing behind him. The nurse was thinking he was going to pass out seeing his wife, the blood on her & the car seat, along with the baby. Finally the husband said something like this. “Couldn’t you have waited until we got to the hospital, look at our car seat, we ordered this special because this is the type seat & color we wanted.”
The wife, doubled up her fist & socked him in the nose, very hard, knocking him out, & the doctor standing behind him kept him form hitting his head on the concrete.
He was out cold. One of the helpers ran back into the ER bringing to another stretcher to put him on. Finally when he came to they rolled the father, mother, into the hospital with the nurse carrying the baby.
In the hospital with both husband & wife on  the stretchers, the husband & wife made up while looking at their very happy new born baby, & all was well.
But wow, that woman had a mean right cross that was fast as lighting, & nearly as dangerous as a lighting strike!  :boxing:
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