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Assisting Or Resisting Evil?


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By Dr. Patrick Jonston

June 2, 2012


[Disclaimer: The opinion expressed in this article are those of Dr. Patrick Johnston and not the opinion of NewsWithViews, it's staff and other writers.]

The year is 1999.

Clinton’s cigars and his mistress’ stained dresses are all that’s on the media’s mind. Christian conservatives are as giddy as a five-year-old on the eve of a Disney vacation. They are itchin’ to put an “R” in the White House.

Their rallying cry? “Anybody but Clinton.”

Nevermind that Texas Governor G. W. Bush endorsed abortion in cases of rape, incest, and maternal health. Nevermind that he appointed pro-abortion candidates to the judicial bench when he was governor of Texas. Nevermind that he endorsed same-sex “civil unions,” which was basically marriage by another name. Anybody but Clinton.

When G.W. Bush won the White House from Bill Clinton, he did things that only Clinton could dream of doing. Bush

- … at - - - , which was a - () - - - (including ruling that New Jersey’s Partial Birth Abortion ban was “unconstitutional” and cited Roe v. Wade approvingly in the process) -

Bush’s liberal policies while governor of Texas dwarfed compared to his exploits as president.

Why couldn’t Clinton do these things? Because of a Republican Congress. How could Bush do these things? Because of a Republican Congress! The Republicans resisted Clinton’s leftist agenda, but stood faithfully by their man G. W. Bush when he outdid the socialist programs of Marxist Bill Clinton.

Fast-forward to 2012.

“Anybody but Obama” is now the motto of all the conservatives who are lining up to hold their noses and endorse Mitt Romney.

, illegally, and unconstitutionally put Massachusetts on the map as the first state to hand out marriage licenses to same-sex couples. which included $50 co-pay, taxpayer-funded abortions – all of this supposedly three years after his “pro-life conversion.” , employment in Massachusetts was the worst in the nation and the size of the state government grew to astronomical proportions.

Mitt Romney.

If you judge a candidate by what he does and not what he says on the campaign trail, who would be the face of legalized gay marriage, tax-payer funded child-killing, and BIG government?

Romney could run as Obama’s running mate, and yet Christian conservatives have the audacity to hold their noses and endorse this man? If they had lived in Germany in the 1930’s, would they have endorsed Nazism for fear of Communism? Would they have voted for Hitler as the lesser-of-two-evils over the Boogeyman Stalin?

Answer that question, Gary Bauer, Richard Land, James Dobson, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Cal Thomas, Pat Robertson, Tony Perkins, Paul Weyrich, Dr. John Willke, Patrick Mahoney, Marvin Olaski, and all you other Judases who’ve betrayed your cause and your people for a seat at the RINO table?

If Christians follow their pathetic finger-in-the-wind leaders to the polls to pull the lever for Romney, we will well-publicize our indictment. The salt’s loss of savor will have been broadcast to all. Judgment will begin at the House of God, and we deserve it.

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, resist federal control over healthcare and education, and put our Ten Commandments monuments back up in our halls and schoolhouses. We must get our kids out of the godless government schools. We must get our people off of the federal handouts. We must build local and state governments that can sustain us when the federal government goes bankrupt and the dollar implodes, when the entitlement checks stop coming in and the rioters start wreaking havoc, and when God’s gavel falls against us for the shedding of innocent blood.

The best hope for freedom is not in Washington, D.C. It’s in our living rooms, our churches, and our statehouses. We must prepare our families and churches for the looming judgment. States must exercise their sovereignty and

ban abortion

When we rebuild, let’s rebuild not on the shifting sands of relative morality, secular humanism, and pragmatism. Let’s rebuild on the sure foundation of the Word of God, the standard of morality and justice without which posterity will not be free.

© 2012 Patrick Johnston - All Rights Reserved


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This man is stuck in politics too, power of man, placing faith in politics, that power of politics will change America, the only difference is he stresses it at state level, not federal level.

The power is not in Washington, & its not at the capital cities of American, its in the Word, & the Word alone.

Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Ac 2:37 ¶ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?

No, political leader or leaders will change anything, we've been trying that for quite some time in this United States of America, & it has not worked at the federal level, it will not work at the state level. Jesus is the only answer for mans trouble, Americas trouble. Those spoken of in Acts 2:37, were changed ONLY by the WORD, the POWER of the WORD, & because they heard the Word & it pricked their hearts. Only after their heart had been pricked by the Word they asked, "What shall we do?"

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Thank you Thank You!!! for posting this I love it, I agree the change and hope in this land is in our own homes and it starts in the homes and helping each other out not the government, even tho I do support some government programs I don't like how people are abusing the system and driving the system up and making it harder for honest people to get help and aide.
I had someone said they are holding their nose and voting for Romney when after I told them the real truth about Romney. I found its sadden that they would just hold their nose to vote out Obama without know the real truth.

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The sad fact is, most professing Christians who put their hopes in the Republican Party refuse to face the truth. What they would yell and scream about if a Dem did, they are either silent or supportive of when a Repub does it.

No matter who has been in the White House during my entire lifetime, the country has been moved further in the wrong direction. Things are at their worst when one Party controls the White House and congress. The "best" it gets is when one Party is in the White House and the other Party controls congress, and the only reason it's any better then is because the speed we head towards the cliff is temporarily slowed.

No matter whether Obama or Romney is in the White House, there will be no course correction, the nation will continue to move closer to the cliff.

We need dedicated Christians to get on their knees in daily, fervent prayer. We need Christians to get serious about spending hours in Bible reading, study, meditation, in prayer and fasting. We need Christians to live their faith, speak their faith, share their faith. We need Christians willing to obey the Word, to make the sacrifices God calls His people to make.

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