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I have to have what?


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To leave a reply at many sites on the internet they require you have a facebook account. I wonder if I can set up a dummy account just so I can leave comments on some of these websites...or, would that be against...

Ephesians 4:25 "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another."

Some may ask why such an aversion to facebook? I don't know why, it just seems to me the Lord doesn't want me in it. No, I've never prayed about it.

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I'm bolding text coloring (blue) areas which trouble me...

Facebook Principles
We are building Facebook to make the world more open and transparent, which we believe will create greater understanding and connection. Facebook promotes openness and transparency by giving individuals greater power to share and connect, and certain principles guide Facebook in pursuing these goals. Achieving these principles should be constrained only by limitations of law, technology, and evolving social norms. We therefore establish these Principles as the foundation of the rights and responsibilities of those within the Facebook Service.

  • Freedom to Share and Connect
    People should have the freedom to share whatever information they want, in any medium and any format, and have the right to connect online with anyone - any person, organization or service - as long as they both consent to the connection.
  • Ownership and Control of Information
    People should own their information. They should have the freedom to share it with anyone they want and take it with them anywhere they want, including removing it from the Facebook Service. People should have the freedom to decide with whom they will share their information, and to set privacy controls to protect those choices. Those controls, however, are not capable of limiting how those who have received information may use it, particularly outside the Facebook Service.
  • Free Flow of Information
    People should have the freedom to access all of the information made available to them by others. People should also have practical tools that make it easy, quick, and efficient to share and access this information.
  • Fundamental Equality
    Every Person - whether individual, advertiser, developer, organization, or other entity - should have representation and access to distribution and information within the Facebook Service, regardless of the Person's primary activity. There should be a single set of principles, rights, and responsibilities that should apply to all People using the Facebook Service.
  • Social Value
    People should have the freedom to build trust and reputation through their identity and connections, and should not have their presence on the Facebook Service removed for reasons other than those described in Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Open Platforms and Standards
    People should have programmatic interfaces for sharing and accessing the information available to them. The specifications for these interfaces should be published and made available and accessible to everyone.
  • Fundamental Service
    People should be able to use Facebook for free to establish a presence, connect with others, and share information with them. Every Person should be able to use the Facebook Service regardless of his or her level of participation or contribution.
  • Common Welfare
    The rights and responsibilities of Facebook and the People that use it should be described in a Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, which should not be inconsistent with these Principles.
  • Transparent Process
    Facebook should publicly make available information about its purpose, plans, policies, and operations. Facebook should have a town hall process of notice and comment and a system of voting to encourage input and discourse on amendments to these Principles or to the Rights and Responsibilities.
  • One World
    The Facebook Service should transcend geographic and national boundaries and be available to everyone in the world.
Edited by 1Tim115
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Same sentiments here. I use to leave comments profusely around the internet and even at the evil Huffington Post. Now, my activities have been curtailed greatly by this requirement for a FB account. Don't like like of privacy and that it's run by Godless liberals either!

FB while purporting to put people in touch with each other has made those relationships less intimate IMO. I miss talking to my relatives when they used to call on the phone for a few seconds before passing the receiver over to my wife. Now, it's just posts. Nobody even mails or e-mails photos anymore either! In rebellion, I've begun writing actual letters (word processor), stuffing them in envelopes and mailing them to friends and family from time to time!

No, no Facebook for me either, it's for girls (women) anyways!

Edited by swathdiver
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My wife still uses facebook, but I do not anymore. I have since moved on to Google+ for my business . I have found that the members using plus is more professional and all the posts that appear from my circles are actually relevant to what I would like to read. Down side, I no longer do I get to find out what color bugers my friends have when they are sick or get to hear people rant about something they would never say face to face with someone. I have no problem with facebook, it is just not for me.

I also hate it when you have have to have a facebook account to post on a website. I just move on when I see that.

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Yes, but then I see sites being bombarded by the "hate Christianity" crowd. Like the one million moms site. I think the posts are actually on the AFA site and they are not favorable to those ladies who are taking a stand for Christ. I sent them an email and told them to use it as they like, as either testimony for them or personal encouragement.

Anyone else who wishes to can send to this email... omm@afa.net

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