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FREE Skittles


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Print the Manufacturer coupon save $1.00 on any two skittle bags 1.8 oz -2.17 oz each here:


At Walgreens they have skittles on sale 2/$1 with the in store ad you find at the front of the store. When you go up to the front show the instore ad and give them your coupon for target. Limit is six. PS You can only print out two coupons per a computer at target. Also, just in case your local Walgreens is not familiar with the coupon policy of Walgreens you can print it off here: http://www.walgreens.com/topic/generalhelp/coupon_policy_main.jsp

Edited by amblivion
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Lolz I don't blame you one bit. My dad did not care for rice after being in the military. Hopefully someday I will come across something free that you will like.

BTW...did anyone try this yet? I did it at my Walgreens. The Manufacturer coupon beeped, but she manually put them in. It worked like a charm. I walked out of there with six packs of free skittles. It felt so weird; I am not going to lie.

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