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Israel, America and John Hagee


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Sunday afternoon I will fly to Washington D.C. for the annual Christians United for Israel Summit. This Summit is going to break all records for attendance.

The people of America are experiencing a great awakening as they realize that Israel is in great danger and that America's leadership in the White House has never been weaker. If there was ever a time for Christians to stand up and speak up for Israel, IT'S NOW!

At this Summit, I will be giving two major speeches that I believe will be a turning point in our history. If America turns her back on Israel, God will turn His back on America!

Few Americans see the extreme danger surrounding America and threatening our future. Who would have ever believed that our President would go out of his way to humiliate the Prime Minister of Israel when he came to visit at the White House? Who would have ever believed that our President would pressure Israel to divide Jerusalem? Does anyone in Washington know or care that what we do to Israel and the Jewish people God will do to us?

If you would like to attend the CUFI Summit, please register immediately at www.cufi.org. Why? Because the 5,000 seat facility we have available is about to be full. Please don't wait until the last minute, walk up to the door and have to be turned away after flying across America to attend.

I look forward to seeing you in Washington D.C. Come expecting great and mighty things that the name of the Lord might be magnified on the earth and in America. I'll see you in D.C. July 18-20.

Pastor John Hagee

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