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Now Available - Roadmap Through Revelation

Brother Rick

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Rick, I too look forward to the book. Way behind on learning more about The Revelation of Jesus Christ. I've been wanting for just such a book.

The trailer is excellent, professional, inspiring, faithful.

Thanks brother, those are encouraging words! I hope you find it helpful and a blessing. :)
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Is this available as an eBook?

I plan on doing an ebook, but that probably won't be until sometime next year. There's quite a few hoops to jump through as far as formatting for an ebook, and with the charts that's going to be tough. It's going to take a lot of noodleing to get it done :smilie_loco:4:15huh: , and I'm plum tuckered out :thofftobed7lpsl4: . :)
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Is this available as an eBook?

See, Superman? I'm not the only one asking about availability in eBook form!

I did just order my long-anticipated copy, but it was in the old-fashioned paper version. *heavy sigh* That's just SOOOOOO 20th century! :laugh:

All teasing aside, congratulations on the publication of your book. I pray that God will be glorified and His people will be blessed by your efforts! Edited by Miss Linda
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DRM = Digital Rights Management, which is the feature that makes a person pay for the eBook file as it ties their ability to access the file to the particular eBook device. Without DRM in place, anyone can copy it and give it out and there is no way to get compensated for your book. There are ways around DRM, but the "common man" wouldn't know how to do it and it is illegal to do.

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DRM = Digital Rights Management, which is the feature that makes a person pay for the eBook file as it ties their ability to access the file to the particular eBook device. Without DRM in place, anyone can copy it and give it out and there is no way to get compensated for your book. There are ways around DRM, but the "common man" wouldn't know how to do it and it is illegal to do.

Ah ok - thanks for explaining, that one less thing I have to learn now!

Yes, I really don't want people stealing from me, not my favorite kinda of thing! :) I really don't like the idea of sacrificing the time away from the family off and on for three years, and the painstaking effort put into it, and the money I had to pay to print the books - just so that they can be given away for free. Call me selfish! :)
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I'm sorry I'm not as hip and trendy as you Miss Linda! :):th_laugh1:

I'm going to do my best to ebook it eventually, I promise! :)

Ah yes. I'm uber hip and trendy. That's definitely what people think when they see me! NOT!!!!! :icon_mrgreen:

But I do like having books in electronic format. I'll hold you to publishing your first book electronically!

And congratulations again!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!
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Ah yes. I'm uber hip and trendy. That's definitely what people think when they see me! NOT!!!!! :icon_mrgreen:

But I do like having books in electronic format. I'll hold you to publishing your first book electronically!

And congratulations again!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

Thanks Linda, you're a very sweet lady - you have a great Thanksgiving too. :) I promise it will come out in ebook format next year!
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Brother Rick, I spoke with someone I know who has published a couple of books on Kindle. He said he found http://kindleformatting.com/ very helpful when he formatted his books. It is apparently a resource that has tips on formatting issues. I hope this helps.

Please don't think I am pushing you. It may be more trouble than it's worth to you to try to format it for electronic publishing. I just thought if you WERE thinking of publishing electronically, this web site might be of assistance or make things easier for you. I hope you know I was just ribbing you a bit by telling you that you should publish it in eBook format.

I have shown a couple of people your wonderful book web site using my iPad yesterday. They were very impressed and want to buy your book too. I think it was the spiffy YouTube video that really impressed them (well, that and the subject matter, of course!).

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