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Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt

North Carolina Pastor's Sermon Blaming Women in Shorts for Rape Sparks Controversy


Pastor Bobby Leonard, who leads Bible Baptist Tabernacle in Monroe, recently made a controversial statement back in February that has upset many people. He said that he wouldn't vote to convict a man accused of raping a woman if she was wearing shorts at the time. This comment has sparked a lot of debate, with many people strongly disagreeing with his perspective.

It's important to understand that while dressing modesty is something we should all consider, no choice of clothing ever justifies or excuses rape. It's important to remember that no one, under any circumstances, has the right to hurt or assault someone else, regardless of how they are dressed (modest or immodest dress). A person's choice of clothing should never be used as an excuse or reason to justify a terrible crime like rape. 

Many people believe that instead of focusing on what a victim was wearing, we should focus on the fact that rape is always wrong. No one should ever feel like their choice of clothes means they deserve to be attacked. It's crucial to stand against this kind of thinking and support a culture where everyone is respected and protected.

The community is now waiting to see how Pastor Leonard will respond to the criticism. Many hope that he will reconsider his statement and recognize the importance of condemning rape, no matter the circumstances.

To be clear, I believe men and woman should always be dressed modestly, but it should never be used as an excuse for rape. 

The pastor has apologized via the church sign as seen in the header image 

Here is the news article:

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This pastor has a right to his opinions and beliefs no matter how twisted and wrong they might be. That being said, I believe he was wrong for making such a declaration. His "apology" may be little too little and far too late. 

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7 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

This pastor has a right to his opinions and beliefs no matter how twisted and wrong they might be. That being said, I believe he was wrong for making such a declaration. His "apology" may be little too little and far too late. 

I agree we are all entitled to our opinions, but is this an opinion that we would want a pastor to be holding? Is he still holding this opinion? Is his apology sincere or simply damage control?

Words spoken from behind the pulpit should first be screened through the Word of God. They carry extra weight and have a far greater impact. All preachers need to always weigh their words carefully. It is obvious that Pastor Leonard did not, and I think it speaks volumes to his character. If this is what Pastor Leonard truly believes I don't believe I could stay in a church. Such a bad testimony.

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5 minutes ago, Napsterdad said:

I agree we are all entitled to our opinions, but is this an opinion that we would want a pastor to be holding? Is he still holding this opinion? Is his apology sincere or simply damage control?

Words spoken from behind the pulpit should first be screened through the Word of God. They carry extra weight and have a far greater impact. All preachers need to always weigh their words carefully. It is obvious that Pastor Leonard did not, and I think it speaks volumes to his character. If this is what Pastor Leonard truly believes I don't believe I could stay in a church. Such a bad testimony.

Personally I know that I wouldn't want him in the pulpit or the pastorate. I know that being raised in an IFB church and having all of the man-made, strictly enforced cultic nature, and my being delivered from that group, I couldn't/wouldn't sit under this "pastor." 

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Literally just watched a sermon from Jack Hyles as I try to figure out IFB pastor's I can trust to learn from.  He literally said women wearing shorts is why they get raped.  And that "men will be men" and that every man in prison for rape, there should be a half naked woman in another cell.  I knew instantly he is not the pastor I'm going to listen to.  

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Mike Norris, Pastor of Franklin Road Baptist Church in Murfreesboro Tennessee is a good one. There are many good ones on YouTube and on sermonaudio.com. 

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Many people believe that instead of focusing on what a victim was wearing, we should focus on the fact that rape is always wrong.

I know that many young girls wear whatever they wear because that is how they are being raised and they know no better, at least not until they get older. We all do better if we are influenced/taught in the "spirit of meekness" instead of someone pridefully spouting stupid stuff. And methinks that focusing on clothes and sex all the time can get the "spouter" into trouble too.

Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man [or woman] be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 


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On 9/2/2024 at 8:23 PM, Pastor Matt said:

No one should ever feel like their choice of clothes means they deserve to be attacked.

I disagree with this statement.  Dressing immodestly is to be a stumbling block. 

I used to dress in military fatigues in school and was picked on and constantly in fights because of it.  

Women today in most places run around naked and then wonder why they are used as play toys and cannot get married.

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23 hours ago, swathdiver said:

I disagree with this statement.  Dressing immodestly is to be a stumbling block. 

I used to dress in military fatigues in school and was picked on and constantly in fights because of it.  

Women today in most places run around naked and then wonder why they are used as play toys and cannot get married.

Yes, when we go out in the world, turn on the television, that stumbling block is everywhere. But one sin does not excuse another.

Not to change the subject but, this relates to something that's been disturbing to me for a long time: preachers and pastors saying stupid stuff from the pulpit which is NOT Biblical. To "preach" that a man has an excuse for abusing a woman because of how she dresses is, in one respect, similar in outcome to "preaching" that a woman has an excuse for not submitting to her husband if he will not "lead". It DIVIDES people. Both these teachings are unbiblical and they are WICKED things to say or even imply because they sow discord among/between brethren (in this case men and women). No one has an excuse for their sin, no matter what another person does.

. Preachers should preach against it, yes, but keep it Biblical. When they preach against ladies' immodest dress, in the same message they should admonish the men not to look and visa versa.  If we strive to keep such matters fair, honest, Biblical and Holy like Peter and Paul did, the Holy Ghost might just show up in the sermon.

Edited by heartstrings

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