I visit the website and found a link to this church.
The Moravian Church has stood for basic religious principles for more than 500 years. Through these years the church has often put into written form the precepts of its faith and practice in what is known as the Covenant for Christian Living.
Moravians recognize the example of Christ’s life and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. Living the Christian life depends not only on our own effort, but upon God our Father, who in Jesus Christ accepts us as heirs of God and strengthens and sustains us.
Not to criticize this church, but I noticed right away that the focus is love, love, and love, very little doctrinal, and priorities for less Bible study, focusing more towards loving each other as Christ loved us. Everything else is placed on the back burner.
For us independent Baptist, we focus more on reaching out the loss for Christ, through salvation, discipling them, baptizing them, and making them fishers of men and to live for Christ. Much Bible Study and Spiritual growth.