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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Can the summers get hotter, and the winters much colder at the End Times.
  2. You are becoming a nut ? Be smart when you’re picking a fight. Sometimes arguing, and fighting are the same thing. True Christians try hard not to fall into this practice.
  3. We need to bring the cross back into our churches and our messages. With the rainbow ?
  4. Unfortunately the rainbow and the Christian meaning will not be seen anymore, until Christ comes again perhaps. Be proud of what…
  5. Is COVID, back again here in America, or is this fake news.
  6. Wow, you are made of many nationalities.
  7. Dear BT I don’t know where you buy or make those Italian meatballs, they taste fake. Truly, I don't know where you get some of your political ideology or Italian meatballs, but its just not historically or feasibly sound. ?
  8. Putin, has his foot on the gas pedal now watch the news and see what he is doing now. There’s no one else over there that will take the lead against Putin in Europe. It’s their territory or land that is in danger. Watch and see what happens in the next couple of weeks.
  9. Well Boris Johnson had his last speech yesterday, let’s see what happens now, not with Mr. Johnson, but with UK. They forced a strong man, out of office. After thanking everyone that served under him, he said hasta la vista baby, and left. Now the next Prime Minister is between a woman and a man, the man that was the backstabber that walked out of the office while on duty, I hope that this lady might wins, Liz. There still might be a little hope for them. ?
  10. Ha Ha Ha, how did you know that I am left-handed. You must be a prophet. ?
  11. I believe we’re getting closer to the stage where Christians should not even vote, if we have to vote for someone that support evil. For example supporting abortions, supporting gay marriages, or supporting gambling. I’m not sure when it comes to a Christian supporting guns. Having a permit and a gun is OK, but For a Christian too support it, I’m not sure.
  12. What I see today as a comparison, to this topic. The man should go to fight the war, and not the woman, but today the woman do go to war to fight.
  13. I agree with you, but if can you explain what is the difference between a woman that is evangelizing or a woman that is preaching. This way, I can have an answer, if somebody ask me. If a woman is evangelizing this is Similar to that woman preaching.
  14. Let’s say here in America, Trump was president and the vice president Pence, decided to walk out of the office while Trump is still president, this person or Pence, should never be granted office, for he walked out. While working under the president. One that is running for PM in the UK did this. This man is a backstabber
  15. Do anyone here listens to pastor Charles Lawson. I enjoy listening to his preaching, he have not sold out like many.
  16. Time are changing very quickly. Don't trust them
  17. Time are changing and so are the baptist doctrine. I don’t know if Christians, are now more open to women preachers. It seems that they are opening to more liberal views, and life styles.
  18. Why would they hire a PM, that walk off his job. Anyone that walks out while on duty, should not be considered for PM.
  19. I thought here in America the conservative party had plenty of backstabbers, but this falls short to United Kingdom. With all the back stabbers, poor Boris Johnson, did not have a chance to do his job, starting with Ukraine, Putin must be very happy today. We’ll see who the next person will be, and let’s see how He or She stand against Putin, and inflation. I believe they may regret it.
  20. sa.64 [6] But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
  21. Isa.1 [30] For ye shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth, and as a garden that hath no water.
  22. The tree that is growing, shed its leaves for many years, dry out and die. We need to do what we can do, while we can do it. What Bible verses can you apply to this saying, thank you.
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