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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. It would be nice to see more on TV some Christian organization, getting together with others, offering free counseling and solutions, to those that want to have an abortions. Everything cost money, we are not putting our money there just saying, I think I seen one time, Pastor Hagie offering help for these future mothers on Tv.
  2. Yes, I am going over board saying this, but today sadly, everything evil, it’s pleasing to the eyes and ears. Worst, it is openly accepted, first to the nonbelievers, then slowly, to some of the new modern believers. Our children are being brain washed.
  3. I love the large home made spicy meat ball, with sauce. One per plate. Spaghetti down under.
  4. Is it true that they teach Italians, how to cook before they can walk…. ? Have a good one.
  5. I Imagine that some churches, someday, will start excepting this, abortions, like excepting gay marriages. They will say something like this, it’s okay God understand your problems, and your needs. It is Sad
  6. Abortion supporters, what a huge group of nonbelievers marching. I was wondering we’re all these people off from work. I was amazed, to see so many men marching for Pro-Choice. My question, for how long will God bless America, the once God fearing Country. For now, it’s still the best place to live and to raise your family. If your home has an air conditioning, food on the table to eat, praise God. Most of the world don’t have this today.
  7. Confusing, this could be why Christians are looking for the right church many times. You can no longer go by… Our statement of faith anymore. This is not enough information, for anyone to make the right decision for memberships.
  8. What percentage of independent baptist churches, uses another bible, then the KJ bible. Is there such thing as a liberal independent baptist church, thanks for your replies.
  9. Will Putin repent now that he running out of options. I see in the quote above, the last verse. Quotes, I see Russia in the bible but not the United States. Do most here agree with this saying?
  10. Great everyone is attacking me today. Sad, I don’t even know why I’m here sometimes. Can someone just kick me out, banned. I can just leave, but I keep coming back for some reason.
  11. I’m glad tithing have nothing to do with salvation. A person can get Saved, never tithe, and go to heaven. Like a person doing life in jail. Right BT
  12. I agree with you, he will be a man. Pot- Stirring?
  13. I running into more and more brothers in Christ that don’t give all the tithe to the church anymore. They give to their church, and else where, their tithes. I told them, I do the same. If there something that the Lord puts into our heart to give and help, I’m going too. The truth in my opinion, churches are fallen short to their duty’s, not all churches Brother Tony, I’m not using a wide brush here, but many. Give with a cheerful heart, and that’s what I’m doing.
  14. I can cook, from my early age in high school, I remember taking cooking classes, the best part was I could eat what I cooked. I just finish making a quick lunch today, grilled butter bread, with Virginia ham and cheese sandwiches.
  15. You guys are correct, it’s not in the Bible. But we do know that 666 is the number of man. That the Antichrist, he will pervert that right ways of the Lord. This is something that came to my mine. People will highly approve this right now. For they are nonbelievers, and they are on the wrong side. Maybe people will come back to read this post, in the future. Say that I was lucky. If there is a nuclear war, there will be no Christians to rapture, just the dead in Christ.
  16. What does the Bible tells us in revelations about the end times wars. The rapture of the Saints, must this happen before there is a nuclear war. Can the man or woman that bring peace to this Ukraine war, be the antichrist.
  17. When you said cobbler, I thought in apple and peach cobbler pie.
  18. It’s okay too not have all the answers, and say, I’ll get back with you on that question. I don’t know right now. Some can’t do this for some reason.
  19. In my opinion 10 percent independent Baptist, 60 percent Southern Baptist. I am sorry for the confusion.
  20. Sad today, but most modern preachers are switching to their electronic devices, not leather. $$$$$
  21. I believe he prefers the conservative version, like strong lemonade that is not water down.
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