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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. The Catholics are probably saying we’re getting a break this time, finally if someone else. But still there will be those faithful members that will just turn their eyes ? the other way. Also sadly, there will be many that will turn away from the faith.
  2. I could be wrong, but I think in some churches sometimes leaders, administrators, deacons, and longtime members, think they control the church and the pastor. What does the Bible tells us about these types of members. Should they be cast out maybe?
  3. Your playing Mind games with me Cowboy. : ) Did I spell Hee Haww right. I don’t think so.
  4. Cowboy ? breakfast, pancake fundraiser this morning. Five dollars all you eat, follow buy some great preaching I love mind with maple syrup ?
  5. Taking a nap during the church service, is not a sin. It happens, sometimes you might of had a rough night, or a tough day at work, and when you went to church Sunday, you start taking a nap during the service. This happened to me, while visiting brother Tony’s preaching one time, just kidding.?
  6. I believe bringing a topic back is good for new members to participate. I almost got banned for bringing the COVID topic back. So having something to say, I stayed away from posting on it. Is this good or bad I ask. Good for a new topic on do and don’t here.
  7. I don’t know when it started, but is fundraising in the church biblical. How much fundraising is too much, to have in the local church. I believe, that if everyone gives their tithes and offering, all the needs should be met. I’m not against a special offering for a missionary, or guest speaker. Example,car washes, bake sales, garage sales. The Lord’s house should not be a business speaker
  8. I don’t think so, it doesn’t look like many more still do. Some I probably think, says it’s old fashion. I have it on my cell, or tablet. Many don’t know, after changing their cell phone and downloading it again the app, it removes all prior notes and highlights. ? Bring your Bible to church
  9. The page I visited, did have much information. I did felt that I could be looking at the wrong thing. Thanks for the update
  10. The only problem with so much Love BT, is that it turns its eyes away of the sins of man.
  11. I visit the website and found a link to this church. The Moravian Church has stood for basic religious principles for more than 500 years. Through these years the church has often put into written form the precepts of its faith and practice in what is known as the Covenant for Christian Living. Moravians recognize the example of Christ’s life and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. Living the Christian life depends not only on our own effort, but upon God our Father, who in Jesus Christ accepts us as heirs of God and strengthens and sustains us. Not to criticize this church, but I noticed right away that the focus is love, love, and love, very little doctrinal, and priorities for less Bible study, focusing more towards loving each other as Christ loved us. Everything else is placed on the back burner. For us independent Baptist, we focus more on reaching out the loss for Christ, through salvation, discipling them, baptizing them, and making them fishers of men and to live for Christ. Much Bible Study and Spiritual growth.
  12. If I walked with Jesus, during the days that He walked here on earth ? He said to me, for now on you will be fisher of men. I probably would had said, Lord, you must mean fisher of women. For by grace, we are all saved, and we all fall short, to His Glory. Have a great weekend, TGL
  13. I never heard of this church, how is the worship, traditional or contemporary.
  14. True, but he could have used Kings, prior or kings after him. I’m pretty sure when they got to the parts about homosexuality and lifestyles, they were fearful while doing the translations, not to get him upset. But I’m glad they stood firm.
  15. God used this evil king, King James, to make a great Bible, along with great men. scholars of the days, and those men that fear God, they also feared the king. Don’t mess up, or off with your head.
  16. Amen BT, Lord willing this young man do well, and his family.
  17. I hear some mention Baptist, that John the Baptist, some say it as a joke. There can be some that believe this. There are many divisions when it comes to names, but when it comes to Christ as the Savior, many agree on this.
  18. I agree, but the name Baptist was added by man later. I think the true name is Christian followers. We born again Christians, are Christians faith followers. Or like you mentioned, None. Would you be more methodist for example.
  19. I think, I would have Lean more towards Pentecostal. Without the works
  20. He was, and he did his duty. But like many men of God, starting well, but selling DVD's Books and videos slow men of God down. Life style change
  21. I use to watch his television series, would there be anymore TV evangelist like him. Jack Leo Van Impe was an American televangelist known for his half-hour weekly television series Jack Van Impe Presents, an eschatological commentary on the news of the week through an interpretation of the Bible. The program airs around the world through both religious broadcasters and the purchase of paid programming time on commercial television stations. He was known as the "Walking Bible", having memorized most of the King James Version of the Bible.[2] His wife, Rexella, shared his television ministry as co-host.
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