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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. OK thank you, I am not trying to cause division here. But to tell you the truth sometimes I do feel pressure here from others. I could post a beautiful message and never get a heart reply here.
  2. Rev.1 [4] John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; [11] Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. [20] The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of theseven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
  3. We are missing the mark, if we think that we are the only ones right. We are up top with the true gospel. Can you share with me, what does the Bible mean, when the Word says, He Christ, is coming back for the seven churches. Could this mean that others also have the truth. Thanks for pointing things out, to help me.
  4. There are some not all, that say you must preserve your faith to the end. I like to see where some stand here. As an Evangelist rightly dividing the Word of God. B T
  5. Wow 60 years or more, I did not know it was that old.
  6. Does your church do Easter Eggs hunt on its property. If yes we do, how long has it been since they started this tradition. If no why not, we know that it’s not biblical. Why wouldn’t your church have this. We do trunk or treat give candy on October. Just checking…
  7. Would a person after receiving Christ, not leaving some or one bad habit, still Saved. If yes, for how long, in your opinion.
  8. I’m not sure what happened, I agree with you, all I’m saying is, a person do not have to do good works, to become a Christian, You mentioned by grace and by faith we come to Christ, and after we do good works. We don’t go around telling people they have to quit smoking or drinking, before they come to Christ, this is the job of the Holy Spirit.
  9. So, if I made dinner and you came by and I offered you something to eat, I guess this will be called works too. But if I don’t offer you something to eat, then it’s not works.
  10. The only problem I can see with the independent fundamental Baptist and all other denominations, is that we fall into a routine traditional ways of given a church service. Music to start, Announcements, more music, Love offering, preaching, more singing. Prayer or invitation . Many churches, not all, fall into a routine that never changes. How about singing, Preaching, more singing and prayer, then love offering or tithes, end the service. What is wrong with this, nothing at all. Try changing the service just a little bit, nobody’s gonna get hurt. Enjoy
  11. You said, In your same post you state that “there are those Baptists, that do not do an invitation for salvation”. Are you saying that an invitation is required in order for someone to get saved? Would this not be works based salvation? Worse yet, this would be a work that would have to be done be someone other than the one getting saved (the inviter). The inviter, can be any man or woman being used by God. This is not works, but a person moved by the Holy Spirit. How can they hear, if there is no one sharing the gospel.
  12. I don’t agree with you, and yes Baptist our separated from others, to those that do like to add works to be part of salvation. Pretty much, if you’re not doing works, you’re not Saved. This is incorrect. Also there are those Baptists, that do not do an invitation for salvation, because they believe those that are Saved, are already called, this is also incorrect.
  13. What I understand is that a lost person cannot work their way to heaven, but after becoming a Christian, Saved, a Christian works, will be rewarded in heaven, but not for salvation. Our works will be tested and approved.
  14. Not sure, when you say sing a song in their language is not permitted without translation. The old rugged cross in any language doesn’t need translation.
  15. Sad to hear this, I know he tried his best. I never heard him say anything crazy. He apparently to me was professional, just not convincing to others. If you don’t agree with him, and he kept saying the same thing, this can get you upset. Like I get some upset here. I was warn myself 2 times already. I hope they don’t shut me down. So, I stay away from that topic. Having control over members is hard work.
  16. Thank you for sharing brother Tony, regarding myself, I’m just a evangelist that teach salvation, the gospel. The gospel that teaches salvation in Jesus Christ, that he died in arose the third day victorious over death. That a person must realize that he or she is a sinner, we must repent of our evil ways and come to Christ or salvation. I am not a teacher.
  17. You are alright to me, where have you been posting, not here? We need to see the view of other here, like yours, in my opinion. Some here but not all, might get mad at me for saying this. God bless
  18. Teach not Tech, could not make correction on time. Thanks
  19. We’re they Independent Baptist Churches or other Baptist, that preach on these topics. Thanks for sharing
  20. What others denomination can say this, We are Saved by Grace, Faith, and in accepting Christ alone.
  21. It’s just a weakness for us Baptist. We are not perfect.
  22. How long on a fasting message? A long time too. It’s okay, not a Baptist favorite. Baptist don’t like preaching on a place called Hell or Speaking in Tongues from the Bible.
  23. I guess it’s been a long time for you brother Tony, to preach on the 10 Commandments. It’s ok
  24. When was the last time, did you tech or preach on the 10 Commandments? Just Checking …
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