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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. You can let the those sinners get away with it easily, but I am not. There are many turning their eyes away, the other way, so they can not see. Some of them, are friends and love ones. I hope you don’t fall into that trap BT, all of these years of experience going down the drain, would be a shame. Stand Firm, don’t cell out.
  2. I like the way you changed from the Southern Baptist Church, to the Independent Baptist Church, Sinner’s. Can you give me the list of names, of the Southern Baptist ministers too. I think they mention around 100 in the article. Thanks BT
  3. I remember when the talks were always about the Catholics, and all the leaders sexual hidden activities. Now the Southern Baptist Church is getting a taste of it. https://www.npr.org/2022/08/13/1117362904/southern-baptists-doj-investigation-sexual-abuse Sinners are sinners, and will get caught. What we do in the darkness will come out into the light.
  4. This is good to hear. Some here might say that I focus too much on the negative of the church, but how can I not, it’s all around us. I am also very surprised to see how Christians, are easily adapting to the feel good church and buffets.
  5. I believe the last one that I participated in at the church, was around two years ago. If people are not getting saved, and disciple that could make it, where there’s no baptism going on. Like the church that I am visiting. I’m not looking for the perfect church, but I did notice this. They are looking for a new preacher, it has been a while, maybe this could be the reason. I did mention it to one of the deacons, maybe he’ll bring it out in one of their meetings. This is not on the guest preacher‘s menu, baptism. I don’t know why the preacher below baptizing is dressed in black.
  6. The 1000 years, you say that He is here, isn’t there sin towards the end, making it that there is still sin around. Here on earth. Earth ?
  7. 1. Christ was born, first visit. 2. Christ die and came back, second visit. 3. Rapture of the Saint’s. 7 years of tribulation. 4. Christ came back, and leave for 1000 years, third visit. 5. Christ comes back to finish His work after 1000 years. 4th visit. BT is this correct?
  8. Can we say that the son, was saved, gone into the World. He repented, and returned back to the father. Didn’t loose his salvation, but lost his rewards.
  9. I see growth in new churches, with many more activities that are not faith base, but they do have more youth. Can’t we all get along messages, just don’t talk about sins, or faith in Jesus to much, these are growing. Are these the ones,you are talking about. Come as you are, don’t change. We don’t carry Bibles here.
  10. BT, Will you say the number of the youth in our churches, are growing or shrinking.
  11. The youth have gotten worse since this older post. Who will take over later…
  12. America, should tell them OK, you guys deal with Ukraine, while will deal with China.
  13. You will not fine me on Facebook, or any of their spy apps, that they own.
  14. Can someone here explain to me, why do America support Europe, in the Ukraine war, but Europe cannot support America with the problems we are having with Taiwan. Most of Europe say, it’s a America’s problem, not ours. There seems to be a double standard, you help us, don’t count with us.
  15. I hope the environment thing green crowd, don’t grab this one.
  16. They are add it again… Canada Canada bans handgun imports https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/05/canada-handgun-import-ban/
  17. The same Christians that voted, for this liberal president.
  18. This abortion issue is going to continue. Make a person want to give up, and say to all those that want a abortion, go ahead, it’s between you and God. All we can do is pray for those lost souls. I’m not talking about the babies. All those babies that did not have a chance, are in heaven. For they did not reject the savior, Christ Jesus.
  19. I am sorry for the confusion, I am a man of God. I got Saved in 1986. In a Independent Baptist Church. I’m not confused, and understand that Christ, is in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament.
  20. That’s part of the LGBTQXYZ Community. If you can’t beat them, join them, something like that. You will get more sponsors and money if you just blend in. Or Sell Out
  21. As a Christian, someone who has put faith in trust in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, our behavior mirrors, reflects and resembles Christ. Being gracious and merciful to others is behaving like Christ. True Christians
  22. Putin, did you see my Navy Ships in the NEWS, today.
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