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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. This war in Ukraine can reach us soon. If you and your family need to temporarily leave this Country. Update your passport now. God bless, take care, my friend. ?
  2. People know Mary, as the Virgin Mary. Mother of God (Jesus) Chosen by God. I see no problem. She later had children. Saying the Virgin Mary, is very important, for the virgin birth, and the earthly mother is correct.
  3. Outstanding Dr. I like your kindness and smooth reproach to this topic. The Bible talks about believers selling out. I believe this is happening, especially as we approach the end of times, many religious Christian organizations are going to sell out, and as I mentioned in one of my posts. True believers Christians, pastors, and evangelists are in the minority. Dr. you are in the minority in this forum. Those that sold out you mentioned According to CBE International, “these groups are known to give women access to leadership positions. They include: · American Baptist · The Anglican Communion · Assemblies of God · Church of the Brethren · Church of the Foursquare · Church of the Nazarene · Cooperative Baptist Fellowship · Christian Reformed Church · Disciples of Christ · ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians · Episcopal Church in the USA · Evangelical Covenant · Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America (ELCA) · Free Methodists · Friends · Grace Communion International · Mennonite Church of the USA · The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) · The Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) · Reformed Church in America · Salvation Army · United Methodists · Vineyard Fellowship · Wesleyan This study conducted by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary also provides helpful information on various denominations’ stances” (Egalitarian Directory). These will be saying in the end times, Lord, didn’t we do this Lord, didn’t we do that? Have mercy on us, and the Lord will say, depart from me, for I never knew you.
  4. Thanks, I am a simple man with very little education, and I can clearly see where this man Dr. is coming from, and I even pointed out in my posts him as a liberal trying to please both sides. The liberal side of view and the conservative side of view. Some things I say may sound funny to some, but this is how I find out where a person stands. I visit his website or ministry. I believe the ministry belongs to his wife and he is there helping her out with all the female topics and books they have for sell. It looks like they don’t really evangelize or support missionaries, or lead people to Christ, solely to teach. This is not a bad thing, but if you want to reach the lost souls for Christ, this is not the way. If not careful, the ministry can become a business opportunity. I’m not saying he is doing this right now, but he needs to decide whom this day, who will he serve.
  5. Absolutely, it must be done in an orderly way. unfortunately, I’m in the middle of making a major decision to leave the church. I’ve been attending for almost 15 years. New Pastor, no altar calls, no baptisms, baptisms discipline, or new memberships. good Pastor good preaching, family but no vision. Becoming a feel good church with new people coming from other churches. Sad, yes, I spoke to him about it, with no results weeks later.
  6. I am like the politicians. I gave your post a five star rating, this way the people on your side will like me. ? Dr.
  7. Amazing answer, like Rick Warren you’re in the middle, I think. When talking about being liberal or conservative. Dr. Morley, you’re pretty good. Keep quoting the Bible, even if it might be hard for you, to be using the King James bible all the time. Hopefully, it becomes your favorite Bible. ?
  8. Now you are picking on my wine. ? I heard it through the grapevine. ?? Rick Warren, have taught you very well, Dr.
  9. Thanks, I also understand that in the Old Testament, they were much stricter than we are today. The role of her teachings and reminding silence, today this all change of course. For the liberals are taking over and we true believers, are in the minority. I believe you are a liberal, open to changes that will please the more. You are a good liberal, trying to do what is right. This is your personal choice, like Salvation. Have a nice day. TGL
  10. l strongly believe you should leave that church that don’t practices… Churches that are not having an invitations to receive Christ, as their personal savior. During the service or at the end of the services, in my opinion are letting a great opportunity get by. At the altar or from where the person is seated.? Especially if there are visitors that day.
  11. Nicely said, I like the part for she is the weak vessel, or weak apostle. ? Don’t forget to cover your head/hair during class.
  12. This is the first time that I ever heard this, was this woman also an evangelist, did she lead anybody to Christ, baptize, or anyone healed. What did she do for the ministry?
  13. Thanks, President Pence and vice president Desantis, sounds good to me.
  14. Pence will be running this week, he’s probably the only Christian running with a clean record and experience. DeSantis second, or vice president to Pence.?
  15. What a coincidence that those churches that except woman pastors, are the same ones that will start excepting LGBTQAXYZ marriages ? Didn’t wanna leave any letters out.
  16. Can vice president Pence, save us again? Former President Donald Trump speaks at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” event, Friday, June 17, 2022, in Nashville, Tenn. | Mark Humphrey/AP Photo Politico.com
  17. (Wrong) Just come right out and tell us what you believe about (Correct ) Can you share with us your believe on guns. Thank you BT.
  18. In the future press here for junk posting or button is needed, for those SPAMMING
  19. More Votes, for the liberals, when they are not thinking Green, they’re thinking in the wrong rainbows. Also putting babies asleep. There are Christians voting for this party, Democrats. Just to keep Trump, from winning or coming back. They are confused, and are giving the blinded eyes ?. Doesn’t hurt that much, if you don’t look, at or listen to it.
  20. I believe everyone should have a concealed weapon permit, starting at age 18 years. Open carry with same permit. No problem, permits must be affordable. Joe,Your are to bossy to be new here.
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