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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Don't worry we have many Judges here. ? Have a great day
  2. Getting hotter out there folks, Al Gore might be right. ??
  3. Back to your post, I believe the first Christians that came to America were in the hope of freedom of living a better life, and practice the true Christian religion. To live by the gospel of Jesus Christ. They did the best to their ability. Wars and possessions, was always a problem. Today modern Christians, fall short to those of the past. As you can see in the debates of the modern sins, creeping into the local church. The love of money, and false teachings. Blind members follow the crowd and seek fame. Watch out with the know-it-all preachers. The truth was is the East first, then cross over to the West. Those that are against Israel, under the Christian flag, are fake.
  4. The USA ??can borrow $ billions from China ??. Give it back to China, $ billions to fight Climate Control, and everyone Wins. ?
  5. My dream was in the late 70s, many years before the left behind the movie. I had this dream more than once then, I believe.
  6. I had a similar dream when I was a teenager, where meteors were falling from the sky, and also destroying any that tried to flee away in the air. Christians are being hunted down for their faith. Scary
  7. They're Back... ? Have you ever heard preaching about angels that are aliens, the devil's angels serving him?
  8. Your daughter, being raised up in a Christian Christ centered home, meets a Jehovah witness gentleman, and they get married. What is the chance of your daughter changing denominations? We know that each case can be different. What is the percentage that he can become a Christian. Lastly, how would you feel? Would you feel that God let you down in someway?
  9. Many shootings lately again in public places. Don’t let your guards down, keep your eye open and armed security in place. God is with us, yes, but we’re living in the devil's playground.
  10. Lev.13 [40] And the man whose hair is fallen off his head, he is bald; yet is he clean. [41] And he that hath his hair fallen off from the part of his head toward his face, he is forehead bald: yet is he clean. Is your pastor clean????? or You don’t believe in the Old Testament ?
  11. I think in the future preachers will start giving up and donate their facilities to others church ministry. That will continue, then eventually selling out, and becoming water down religions. United faiths for Christ. This sounds like a good name for one of these weak churches.
  12. Membership is not as it use to be. Some members join then quit coming to church. If the church you are attending don't have quarterly meetings, it means nothing to be a member. You don’t vote for anything, you just go to all the church services, go to all the activities, start serving and that’s it. Now, if you’re going to work or teach, then membership from a different church, will help in my opinion. You don’t have to be a member to tithe or give offerings, just keep the records yourself.
  13. The best thing about my State, is Florida. The Sun Shine, the weather. ? The worst thing, it is growing too quickly and the population brings greed. ?
  14. This way sounds much better having meetings where you mentioned, everybody attends. It also keeps the church in line, where sometimes leaders only take full control. It’s easy to spend someone’s else money. Getting into a spending spree without the approval of members, which happens sometimes in some churches, it’s not good. Finance reports are a must, purchases done without receipts are a warning flag.
  15. Amen, to those that fault for our freedom ??
  16. If humans, refused to receive the gift of salvation and preferred to do good work for their salvation, then put them to work. It's not a sin to do good. Meanwhile, you can preach the word of God to them so they might get Saved.
  17. I'll put my wig on, now I'll spy on the ladies. ?
  18. If I were a pastor, I would not want to live on the church property. Is it a benefit or just more control over him and his family? Free rent is not always free. ?
  19. True this is a unique situation, and all situations are different. This is why I support paying a pastor well, and let him take care of his own benefits, example retirement, living and health plan. Sometimes churches want to control the pastor, so they provide housing and pay for their taxes and some health but the church is getting into business they shouldn’t have to. The pastors, are grown men, pay them well, and let them take care of themselves. Like you and I, plus everyone else.
  20. I found this online, LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–Salary increases for Southern Baptist pastors have more than doubled the rate of inflation during the past six years, according to a detailed study involving 35 state Baptist conventions throughout the nation. The biennial salary study began in 1996 with 12 participating state conventions. The study, coordinated by Don Spencer, director of the Kentucky Baptist Convention annuity department, grew to include 19 conventions in 2000 and 35 this year. Inflation has totaled 15.2 percent in the past six years, Spencer said. Among fulltime pastors, he added, the average compensation has gone up 31.5 percent during the same time. only in six years, try adding 25 years?
  21. Also the founder’s (Members) that stool firmly on the Word, have passed away. The newer leaders are in for the money, not all. Some preachers today earn up to five times more per year than preachers 25 years ago. I don’t have the proof of this, but just check in to it. You will be surprised ?
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