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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Because, I believe this is a baptist forum. I am a baptist, many good things and bad things happens. I can post the good things only, but that would not be fare. We already have many good news only, posters. I don't get many likes here, but this is okay. I cannot even get a like to a prayer request here. God knows, this is true. I am not blind, and I do have attackers here, some are in control Admin, and will love me to just leave. I have thought about it. I will try to post some more positive posts. ?
  2. Jim, thank you for serving our Lord and Savior. Blessings to his family, and his church family in these coming days. Bro. In Christ, E. Morales
  3. This reminds me when visiting a funeral service that many times we will often hear someone say, he or she’s in a better place now. If this person never believed, or had faith, how can this person be in a better place, if he or she never had no hope? ?
  4. Said News, Republicans are slipping badly, unfortunately. ? Vice President Mike Pence, right, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis take questions during a Florida Coronavirus Response Meeting, at the West Palm Beach International Airport, Friday, Feb. 28, 2020, in West Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)(ASSOCIATED PRESS)Less Three of Donald Trump's rivals for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination are pushing for cuts to Social Security benefits that would only affect younger Americans, as the party's leaders grapple with the explosive politics of the retirement program. In comments on Sunday as well as in interviews earlier this year, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Social Security will need to be revamped - but not for people who are near or in retirement. http://larson.house.gov/media-center/in-the-news/republicans-are-coming-after-social-security-democrats-take-note
  5. There can be several reasons why people wear long sleeve shirts and pants on hot summer days: Sun protection: Long sleeves and pants provide a physical barrier between the skin and the sun's rays, offering protection against harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This can help prevent sunburn, reduce the risk of skin cancer, and keep the skin cooler. Insect protection: Wearing long clothing can act as a deterrent against insects like mosquitoes, ticks, and flies, which are more prevalent during the summer months. It helps to minimize the exposed skin area, reducing the chances of bug bites and potential diseases they may carry. Personal preference: Some individuals may simply feel more comfortable wearing long sleeves and pants, regardless of the weather. They might have personal style preferences or cultural reasons for choosing these types of clothing. Cooling effect: In certain climates, wearing loose-fitting, lightweight, and breathable long sleeves and pants made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen can actually help keep the body cooler. This is because the fabric provides a barrier against direct sunlight while allowing air circulation, which can create a cooling effect through evaporation of sweat. Work requirements: Certain occupations or activities, such as outdoor jobs, sports, or gardening, may require individuals to wear long sleeves and pants for safety reasons or to adhere to specific dress codes. It's important to note that while long sleeves and pants can offer benefits in specific situations, people should also consider staying hydrated, seeking shade when necessary, and using appropriate sun protection measures such as sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to maintain overall well-being in hot weather conditions.
  6. If you visit any country in the world, people wear clothing to protect themselves from the sun rays and the heat, here in America this does not apply, the more sun and heat, the less clothing people wear. Could this be a reason the skin cancer rate is very high also dehydration people not coping with the extreme temperatures. People walking around, almost naked it’s just not working. I think it’s a little too late to start learning from other cultures, the way they protect themselves from the extreme weather. It’s a little too weird to walk around with an umbrella on a sunny day, not cool. ?
  7. I'm not sure about you coming to mine and I'll visit yours. If this is the right thing to do?
  8. Today, I think that most Christians measures sins. Like I took a screwdriver without paying, small sin. I took a cordless drill without paying, this is a bigger sin, that type of mentality. Some measure loosing their salvation on the size of the sin, which is also incorrect.
  9. The good Lord is in control, a special blessings to my brother in Christ and his family. Today we prayed for Jim, and tomorrow will be for us. ?
  10. I think Eve, invented the ? broom and gave it to Adam.
  11. Did Eve, covered her head after they became sinners. ?
  12. Was Eve controlling and obedient to Adam? It’s your time to cook. ? I don’t know how.
  13. They are talking and scary folks about this heatwave. https://news.sky.com/video/share-12921993
  14. Churches should have fellowship with its members. With all members, the faithful members, and with those that are not so faithful. My experience through the years, I notice as members and groups in our local churches, these groups seem to stay closer together, in the church and out of church. They are friendly to new members, but seems to keep a distance. I’m not saying this is evil. It just seems that it happens everywhere I go In the English or Spanish churches. It’s a type of favoritism like what happens at the workplace. The pastor cannot really do anything about this. Take Care ?
  15. I am not sure why there are some Christians, that don't believe the climate is changing somewhat. I see some changes all around. We don't need to be against these changes here. ??
  16. I was talking about the rich mega-churches. I tithe and give offerings. It's the right thing to do. You judge me wrong. I forgive you
  17. I will attend a Mega Heaven out of this world someday, Lord willing. No sickness, No pain, No cash, No tithing. ?
  18. This is what I am trying to figure out. Does the New Testament talk about small, medium, and large sins? Not regarding salvation. Like in a person that punched, stabbed, or shot someone. Punch small sin, stabbed medium sin, shot large sin. Taking the Lord Super not saved, sin. Taking the Lord super, saved and no repentance for sins committed. Are all sins measure differently?
  19. You are right, there is nothing I can do about it. That I need to mind my own business on some things.
  20. I have no doubt they will grow in numbers and cash flow. The future cool churches, I wonder when they will start selling yearly seats. Front row, only $100 a month. I better stop giving them ideas. ?
  21. You might be right about the home groups, but I'm you know, not for Mega churches.
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