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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from 1Timothy115 in The Morality Behind Christian Women Wearing Pants   
    Heartstrings stated, "Bruce Jenner, the once mighty athlete is now "Kaitlin Jenner" wearing a dress".  Why?  Because wearing a dress clearly pertains unto a woman, which Bruce Jenner and other transvestites, effeminate, and gay people understand more than it seems many Christians.  You don't find those that are trying to look like women wearing blue jeans for some reason.
    Deuteronomy 22:5 King James Version (KJV)
    5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
    The issue is clear and the clothing can even differ in many cultures, but in EVERY culture and time there is always a clear difference between what is considered women and men clothing.  For me, if I can't tell from 200 yards away whether someone is male or female by what they are wearing, then the line has already been crossed.  If I have to look and examine closely parts of a persons body that I should not be resting my eyes on just to determine whether it is a man or a woman in those pants, then it is clearly clothing that pertains unto a man.  The strongest word God uses when listing anything as a sin is "abomination".  I try to steer very clear of even approaching anything called an abomination by God.
    In His will.  By His power.  For His glory.
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from BrotherTony in Quotations Anyone?   
    "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from 1Timothy115 in Quotations Anyone?   
    "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot
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    2bLikeJesus reacted to Pastor Scott Markle in The problem of legalism   
    Indeed, I believe that "legalism" IS a Biblical concept, and a "bad" one at that.  I believe that the Biblical concept concerns a reliance upon the law (a keeping of a set of commandments, whether God-made or man-made) as the foundational power either for salvation or for sanctification.  I believe that the apostle Paul handled the matter of "legalism" concerning salvation throughout the epistle to the Romans and that he handled the matter of "legalism" concerning sanctification throughout the epistle to the Galatians.  (The matter of Biblical "legalism" is also handled at various other places within the Scriptures.)
    Concerning the matter of "standards," having and even teaching "standards" is NOT in itself the essence of Biblical "legalism."  However, relying upon a set of "standards" as the foundation for sanctification/spirituality WOULD be a characteristic of Biblical "legalism."  In truth, such a reliance upon "standards" as the foundation for sanctification/spirituality will inevitably breed Biblical hypocrisy (which the Lord our God utterly hates).   
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from SureWord in The first tablet download from the cloud.   
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in The first tablet download from the cloud.   
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Alan in The first tablet download from the cloud.   
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Baptist World Mission Board   
    The doctrinal statement on the Bible on the Baptist World Mission Board.
    Although the Scriptures were penned under the unerring guidance of the Holy Spirit, it does not follow, that a continued miracle has been wrought to preserve them from all error in transcribing.  On the contrary, we know that manuscripts differ from each other; and where readings are various, but one of them can be correct.  A miracle was needed in the original production of the Scriptures; and, accordingly a miracle was wrought; but the preservation of the inspired word, in as much as perfection as was necessary to answer the purpose for which it was given, did not require a miracle, and accordingly it was committed to the providence of God.  Yet the providence which has preserved the divine oracles, has been special and remarkable...The consequence is, that, although the various readings found in the existing manuscripts, are numerous, we are able, in every case, or the directions of our practice in every important particular.  So little, after all, do the copies differ from each other, that these minute differences, when viewed in contrast with their general agreement, render the fact of that agreement the more impressive, and may be said to serve practically, rather to increase, than impair our confidence in their general correctness.
    This statement presents us with several amazing ideas:
        1.  While it mattered enough to God to give his words perfectly the first time, it did not concern Him that they would be immediately lost to all humanity from that day forward.
        2.  Degrees of perfection are proposed...as perfect as necessary...as perfect as the situation required...as perfect as was needed to                accomplish the purpose. Isn't it perfect or not?  Isn't that the very soul and definition of perfection?         
        3.  While they claim to believe in inerrancy and perfection of God's holy word, what they really believe is that it is "generally correct" while filled with errors of a sort that don't cloud major doctrines.  They claim "in every case" to be able to "determine the correct reading" at least in the "important particulates."
        4.  Preservation is not a continued miracle but it is "special and remarkable" and has produced an imperfect perfection..."our confidence in their general correctness."
    This from the BAPTIST World Mission Board...I pray the day does not come where I can no longer proudly proclaim I am Baptist because doing so would associate me with such as this.
    In His Grace.  By His power.  For His glory.
  9. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Chase Tallent in Near Confrontation During House To House   
    First of all I would like to praise God that the man that led me to the Lord while going door-to-door didn't believe it was ineffective and useless!  I have been doing door-to-door witnessing now for over 20 years, the last 12 of which in an extremely difficult area of the Pacific Northwest.  I have been through it all over the years, "naked people answering, cursed, guns pointed, dog's turned on me, you name it" but I will still go because every once in a great while, we find that pearl of great price.  I can think of 5 very dear members/families of our church right now that were a direct result of door-to-door soul winning (please, I know it was the Lord that saved them not us, so calm down).  If there were only ONE member I could name it would have been worth it. 
    There are limitations though that I follow: 
    1.  I NEVER knock on a door with any kind of sign discouraging visitors.  Even just a "No Soliciting" sign though we are selling nothing.  
    2.  I never enter an enclosed space to get at a door.  It is popular around here for people to have enclosed porches with a door to keep wild animals away from trash cans, pet food, shoes by the door, and such but I will not enter but will only leave a tract on the door.  Something you city slickers don't have to deal with but is a real issue in the small logging community in Oregon where I live. 
    3.  I never go alone.
    4.  I never talk to children when the parents are not home and know I am speaking to their child.  
    5.  I will not allow the conversation at the door to stray from salvation.  If the person has a legitimate question, especially a concern that has made him angry with God, then I will do my best to answer the question and then quickly turn it to salvation.  In short, "if I don't strike oil within 20 minutes, I quit boring"
    6.  If I can see that it is obviously a bad time because I can see them entertaining guests or sitting at the dinner table with family, I always ask if this is a good time to talk. We had one man visit who said, "I would have cursed them and slammed the door in their face, like I usually do, had they said who they were and why they were there, but they were so polite and courteous in considering my valuable time, I had to come check you guys out".  
    Bro. Garry
    In His will.  By His power.  For His glory.
  10. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Seeking Elementary Teachers   
    It is frustrating that with the rampant unemployment it is so difficult to find Christian School teachers.  We may be looking at starting 2nd and 3rd grade with subs.  
  11. Like
    2bLikeJesus reacted to Pastor Scott Markle in Have we gone too far?   
    To a question from a church member concerning the same context, I presented a recognition that there are four categories of conflict for consideration:
    1.  God versus government.  When this conflict clearly exists, it is our responsibility to "obey God rather than man."
    2.  Government versus personal preference.  When this conflict exists, God's Word commands submission to government.
    3.  Government versus another part of government.  When this conflict exists, decision making is much more difficult.  (Which part of government has the more valid authority?  Which decision will make for peace, rather than strife?  Which decision will favor a godly testimony for our Lord's name's sake?  Etc.)
    4.  Government versus Law (the established law of the land).  When this conflict exists, decision making is also difficult; however, I would recommend standing against unlawful government through any lawful means appropriate, while retaining a godly testimony of peace, longsuffering, and grace.
    Concerning "individual rights," God's Word gives counsel in 1 Peter 2:15-16 -- "For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: as free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God."  (1) We must always engage in "well doing."  (2) We must never have an attitude of "maliciousness."  (3) We must always maintain godly attitude and action "as the servants of God."  And sometimes that does indeed mean giving up personal rights for the sake of the Lord's name, the Lord's gospel, and love for others.
  12. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to Miss Daisy in What Gets Your Gripe On?   
    I agree with the false teaching or quoting by unlearned Christians that Jesus made alcoholic wine. My other pet peeve it the Judge Not heresy. Nobody seems to know the following verse or that there is righteous judgement.
  13. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in What Gets Your Gripe On?   
    People who try to justify drinking alcohol because "Jesus made wine at the wedding feast".  Just horrible Bible study on the use of the word "wine" in the Bible.  Drives me nuts.
  14. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Miss Daisy in What Gets Your Gripe On?   
    People who try to justify drinking alcohol because "Jesus made wine at the wedding feast".  Just horrible Bible study on the use of the word "wine" in the Bible.  Drives me nuts.
  15. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Jim_Alaska in What Gets Your Gripe On?   
    People who try to justify drinking alcohol because "Jesus made wine at the wedding feast".  Just horrible Bible study on the use of the word "wine" in the Bible.  Drives me nuts.
  16. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Alan in Seeking Elementary Teachers   
    Umpqua Valley Christian School in Roseburg, OR is seeking Elementary School teachers.  Must have a Bachelors degree in Education, secular or Christian, but of course Christian is preferred. Will take new graduates just starting their career.  UVCS has been servicing Roseburg for over 40 years!  The school is fully accredited and  is Pre-school through 12th grade.  Approximately 175 - 200 students.  Please contact George Graham ggraham@uvcs.org 
  17. LOL
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from KJV ME! in Chuch Notice!   
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    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Alan in Chuch Notice!   
  19. LOL
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Chuch Notice!   
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    2bLikeJesus reacted to Alan in Humility   
    "By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honour, and life." Proverbs 22:4
  21. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from heartstrings in Mr   
    1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (KJV)
    34  Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
    35  And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
  22. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Humility   
    God made the world out of nothing.  If we are nothing, He may be able to make something of us.  
  23. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Alan in Humility   
    God made the world out of nothing.  If we are nothing, He may be able to make something of us.  
  24. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to Pastor Scott Markle in Commonly Misquoted verses   
    Concerning John 16:13-15
    John 16:13-15 serves as a unit of information concerning the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit in guiding believers “into all truth.”  The primary point of the passage is presented with the opening statement of John 16:13 – “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.”  Herein we learn the following:
    1.  The timing for the Holy Spirit’s guiding work – “Howbeit when he . . . is come.”  This would refer to the sending forth of the Holy Spirit to permanently indwell New Testament believers, which began on the Day of Pentecost.
    2.  The character of the Holy Spirit’s guiding work – “the Spirit of truth.”
    3.  The need for the Holy Spirit’s guiding work – “he will guide.”
    4.  The recipients of the Holy Spirit’s guiding work – “you.”  This would be a direct reference unto the apostles as believers, and thus would have application unto all New Testament believers, since we are all now indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
    5.  The content of the Holy Spirit’s guiding work – “into all truth.”
    The entire rest of the passage then serves as an explanation for this primary point.  Specifically it serves as an explanation concerning the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding us “into all truth.”  Even so, from this point the passage begins to employ the two verbs “speak” and “shew” a number of times.
    The first part of this explanation encompasses the compound statement – “For he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak.”  This statement begins with the explanatory conjunction “for” in order to indicate that it is an explanation.  Furthermore, this compound statement employs the adversative conjunction “but” in order to indicate that it expresses two contrasting truths. 
    The first of these truths is that “he [the Spirit of truth] shall not speak of himself.”  Herein the preposition "of" is not employed to indicate the content of which (or, about which) the Holy Spirit will not speak, but is employed to indicate the source out of which (or, from which) the Holy Spirit will not speak.  Even so, when the Spirit of truth guides us “into all truth,” He will not speak out of Himself as the authority for that truth which He speaks.  Indeed, this understanding is substantiated by the contrasting truth concerning the source of authority out of which He will speak forth – “But whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak.”  When the Spirit of truth guides us “into all truth,” He will only speak forth that which He hears from another.  Yet that draws forth the question – Who is this other One from whom the Spirit of truth will hear, and thereby speak?
    The answer to that question is revealed in John 16:14-15.  However, before that answer is revealed, a statement is made concerning the content which the Spirit of truth will speak – “And he will shew you things to come.”  Thus some of the “all truth” into which the Spirit of truth will guide us will be prophetic utterances concerning the future.
    Then John 16:14 provides the answer to our above question --  Who is the One from whom the Spirit of truth will hear, and thereby speak?  “He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”  In this statement our Lord Jesus Christ begins by declaring that the Spirit of truth will glorify Him, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  Certainly, this could be taken to mean that the Holy Spirit will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by speaking specifically about the Lord Jesus Christ.  However, such is not the explanation that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gives for the declaration that the Holy Spirit will glorify Him.  Rather, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gives the explanation – “For he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”  Herein the explanatory conjunction “for” specifically indicates that this statement is the divine explanation for the previous statement.  So then, does this explanation focus upon the content about which the Spirit of truth will speak and by which He will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ?  No, it does not.  Rather, this explanation focuses upon the source from which the Spirit of truth will receive the truth to be revealed unto us.  Specifically, the Holy Spirit shall receive that truth of and from the Lord Jesus Christ, and such is the very truth that the Holy Spirit shall show unto us believers.  So then, the Spirit of truth will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ specifically by submitting Himself under the Lord’s authority so as to receive His message directly from the Lord Jesus Christ and so as to show forth only that message which the Lord Jesus Christ gives for Him to speak.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the One from whom, and the only One from whom the Spirit of truth will hear, and thereby speak.
    Yet this appears to exclude God the Father from the process.  Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ adds a further explanation in John 16:15 – “All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”  Herein the Lord Jesus Christ indicates that He Himself has equal ownership in all that God the Father owns.  As such, when the Holy Spirit receives and takes the message of truth directly from the Lord Jesus Christ, He is receiving and taking God the Father’s message also, since God the Father’s message and the Lord Jesus Christ’s message are the exact same message of truth to be delivered unto us. 
  25. Like
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Alan in Mr   
    1 Corinthians 14:34-35 (KJV)
    34  Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
    35  And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
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