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Everything posted by Salyan

  1. Preachers have authority to remind people of the principles of God's Word. If a politician/political leaning is blatantly defying God's ways, then there is a place for pastors to remind people of truth and to remind them to pay attention to what their politicians support. They can share what they've learned re politics, what their personal choice is and why, but shouldn't outright tell people who to vote for, IMO. Health (and what goes/doesn't go) into our bodies is the responsible of the individual, and occasionally the family (for children). Except where sin is involved, it is not the place or responsibility of the church to have an opinion therein.
  2. Music leaders lead, though, and that's a form of authority within the service. I don't think women should be in that position either.
  3. Is he actually running again? If not, this discussion is fairly moot.
  4. Wives are to submit to the husband. Let's be specific here. ? ----------------- I was speaking a little in jest before, but to give a serious response to the OP in the area of why pastors don't speak hard to women like they do men - My observation in the churches here that the women are preached to a little more than the men, and by and large, I see the wives working harder at submitting than the men do leading. If that was the case in the churches with pastors like those mentioned above, I can see why they wouldn't place a harder burden on those actively trying to obey than those that aren't. Perhaps this is something that varies greatly by region and church. I think my response here is also colored by what may be a different issue, and that is that I have heard of church leadership advising wives to submit through extended, unrepentant abuse as the only option for moving forward. That is neither Biblical nor helpful (nor actually legal). So maybe I'm applying my distaste for this mentality to this discussion in a way it doesn't belong. I totally agree that if pastors truly are failing to teach the wives their part, that is a grave problem, and that the wives are responsible to obey God's commands for them within marriage. I don't really see how someone can truly submit to someone who is not leading - because decisions have to be made, and as nature abhors a vacuum, someone will have to step up and make them. One can't just stop moving forward. But maybe that's why God still has me single. ? Heartstrings, I am so sorry over what's happening in your son's marriage - what an awful thing to have to witness in your own family.
  5. Maybe the pastors think that way because they see that the men have to lead first, so the women have something to follow. ? You can’t tell people to follow where there is no leader…
  6. The only potential personal attack here may be against BroMatt for his bad spelling.... ? ? ...and I would totally rib him about that too. No offense meant, so let's not take any. Back to the topic! I wouldn't go for rotation for rotation's sake (except maybe in financial areas), but a break is as good as a rest for long term volunteers. Switching things up, when there's a well qualified person to step in for a time, might not be the worst thing to prevent burnout. But many small churches haven't really got that option.
  7. Why waste our time with hypotheticals?
  8. Last night I had a dream my parent's house was swallowed by lava. They live in Alberta. Not wise to put much stock in dreams. ?
  9. I'm amazed someone would document that. That's like the definition of 'creeping in unawares'. (Hi, Invicta! Feels like it's been a while since I've seen you.)
  10. By the title of this thread, I thought they were the same thing.... ? ?
  11. That I would agree with. Convention churches can probably offer better health & retirement plans due to the larger number of participants, but in our independent churches, that's often not feasible.
  12. I would be curious what the original salaries were. Our pastor emeritus had a very low salary, with rare increases. When his son took over, he had a mortgage to consider that required us starting him off at a higher salary. (Not an egregious mortgage, very appropriate and even insufficient for the size of his family). Some salary increases could just be bringing pastors up to a living wage. A lot of churches don't necessarily provide benefits or retirement packages, so salaries (in the corporate world) would generally be larger to account for self-payment of those. That study also says the scope of the study grew over the years. I wonder if they adjusted the 1996 salary study with numbers from the 23 additional conventions that participated this year? Otherwise you could be comparing apples to oranges with different states/costs of living/etc.
  13. …then there were the disciples and Peter who slept on their watch… ?
  14. Like Peabody, Inc.!?
  15. To be honest, I think the safest sacred music is hymns. Which don’t require additional chord progressions, because one just plays with or expands on written chords (and that’s come out of the classical tradition). My experience with the addition of chords that are not written is that they quite often conflict with the actual harmonies of the hymn, and make it difficult for people to sing in harmony. Most guitar chord progressions are written over-simplistically, and don’t coincide with the complicated chording already present in the body of the hymn. I’m probably not the best conversation on this subject, because I really am such a sight reader. As I recall, the 2–5–1 is a pretty basic chord progression that you will see in the construction of the end of most hymns.
  16. Bro Matt, that title is going to drive me crazy for the next year if 'pole' stays that way....
  17. I mean, music theory is music theory. Time signatures, keys, chords, rests and arpeggios are pretty standard no matter what genre you're playing. What do you mean by techniques? Like for improvisation? Not sure if this is where you're going, but when I did classical music harmony with the Royal Conservatory, I found the chord progressions (based on Classical/Baroque era music) to be amusingly similar to hymn structure. That Harmony course did more to help this chronic sight reader develop improvisational skills than anything else ever has.
  18. EXCUSE me? A moderator locked this topic, you do not unlock it. Bad form. And I gotta say, for someone who so touts female leadership, you're not very good at submitting to it.
  19. Of course they're spiritually equal. Galatians 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." However, one can be equal and still assigned different tasks, as God has clearly done. (See 1 Corinthians 12) We used to have an emoticon for beating a dead horse.... I miss that one. This topic has been discussed at length recently, and no less than two threads have been locked within the last week due to your insistence on advancing an unbiblical perspective. I think we should take a break from this subject for a little while, eh?
  20. It's not a sin to not tell people how to fell better... It's a sin to warn them against sinning. Health choices do not fall into that category. Thankfully, cause there's plenty enough people not minding their own business about others' health!
  21. Where am I? I don't recognize this place. ? Think I accidentally stumbled on some kind of news site... ?
  22. I feel like Alaska probably has such a small and scattered population, that there are likely a lot of small villages with no church, and no church in a reasonable driving distance. Winter conditions for much of the year would also make traveling harder.
  23. We have something in our countries that many really believe it’s not have – the ability to have even the tiniest amount of influence in our choosing our officials. No man will ever be exactly what we think he should be public office. Yes, a lot of men are a lot less than what they should be. But for Christians to abstain from voting because they don’t have a perfect candidate to vote for, is a waste of the opportunity that we have been given. ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.’ A vote for the lesser of two evils is a vote against the greater of those evils. To refuse to take whatever small say we have to insist our country stay as right as possible is, IMO, foolish. And if people don’t vote, they better not be complaining about the outcome. ?
  24. I mean, it’s Sunday, so we have a service. ?? Don’t particularly care which day it is. TGL, it’s bad form to being up your own dead posts. Especially if you’re just trying to pull up more controversy.
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