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Eating on the run is not healthy ?

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Here I am sitting in my car waiting for my wife to text me that she’s ready to come pick her up, and there’s a person eating their lunch in their vehicle on the run. We’re living the busy life, work, run, and more work, eat and sleep. i’m not complaining about this. I did it myself for many years, but this cannot be healthy. Have a nice day and enjoy your lunch.. ?

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18 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Here I am sitting in my car waiting for my wife to text me that she’s ready to come pick her up, and there’s a person eating their lunch in their vehicle on the run. We’re living the busy life, work, run, and more work, eat and sleep. i’m not complaining about this. I did it myself for many years, but this cannot be healthy. Have a nice day and enjoy your lunch.. ?

You're correct, it's not a healthy habit to have. But, in this fast paced society we have, it's pretty much a necessity for many. I know that I did this for thirty some odd years. And it wasn't just at work. With only 20 minutes to eat lunch while in Jr high and highschool, if you wanted to eat in the cafeteria you pretty much had to guzzle your food down or take it with and eat it on the run between classes. Of course, it was a very high stress environment, and I ended up in the hospital with bleeding and peptic ulcers. My wife has 45 minutes for lunch, which she brings from home. If she were to eat in the company break room, it would take 7-10 minutes to get there from the restroom which is a good five minutes from her work station. So, there's 15 minutes of her lunch gone. Then, if she was to eat inside and needed to heat her food, there's usually a 10 minute line for the two microwaves. So, she just walks to the bathroom, then out to the car (five minutes from the bathroom) and eats her sandwich or soup in the car. Many go down to the corner convenience store and buy a hot lunch there and gobble it up on the way back to the parking lot and in the parking lot. 

Corporate America has very little concern for their workforce, and they truly don't make lunch breaks sacred, often interrupting them, especially if you're a lead person, if they need or want something. I truly believe that the American (Western worlds) form of Capitalism needs a complete overhaul. The greed has run amock.

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