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What Does 'Conservative Christian' Mean to You? How would you define it?

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Hello everyone,

The term "Conservative Christian" is frequently employed in religious discussions, yet its definition can significantly vary depending on one's perspective. I am keenly interested in gaining a more nuanced understanding of what this term means, both to individuals within this community and perhaps those outside of it as well.

When you encounter the term "Conservative Christian," what precisely comes to mind? Are there specific doctrinal beliefs you associate with this designation? Beyond theological positions, does this term imply particular lifestyle commitments or ethical practices for you? Moreover, how would you delineate a Conservative Christian from someone who merely identifies as a "Christian"?

Your input will be invaluable in contributing to a more nuanced comprehension of what "Conservative Christian" entails. The aim of this discussion is not only to provide clarity but perhaps also to challenge some of our own preconceptions.

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9 hours ago, Michael DeMoss said:

Hello everyone,

The term "Conservative Christian" is frequently employed in religious discussions, yet its definition can significantly vary depending on one's perspective. I am keenly interested in gaining a more nuanced understanding of what this term means, both to individuals within this community and perhaps those outside of it as well.

When you encounter the term "Conservative Christian," what precisely comes to mind? Are there specific doctrinal beliefs you associate with this designation? Beyond theological positions, does this term imply particular lifestyle commitments or ethical practices for you? Moreover, how would you delineate a Conservative Christian from someone who merely identifies as a "Christian"?

Your input will be invaluable in contributing to a more nuanced comprehension of what "Conservative Christian" entails. The aim of this discussion is not only to provide clarity but perhaps also to challenge some of our own preconceptions.

I found this online it’s pretty good.

Conservative Christianity, also known as conservative theology, theological conservatism, traditional Christianity,[1][2] or biblical orthodoxy[3] is a grouping of overlapping and denominationally diverse theological movements within Christianity that seeks to retain the orthodox and long-standing traditions and beliefs of Christianity, it is contrasted with Liberal Christianity and Progressive Christianity which are seen as heretical heterodoxies by theological conservatives.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]Conservative Christianity should not be mistaken as being synonymous with the political philosophy of conservatism nor the Christian right which is a political movement of Christians who support conservative political ideologies and policies within the realm of secular or non-sectarian politics.[15][16][17][2]The two major subdivisions of Conservative Christianity within Protestantism are Evangelical Christianity and Christian Fundamentalism while the Confessing Movement, Confessionalism, and to an extent Neo-orthodoxy make up the remaining within Protestantism.

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10 hours ago, Michael DeMoss said:

Hello everyone,

The term "Conservative Christian" is frequently employed in religious discussions, yet its definition can significantly vary depending on one's perspective. I am keenly interested in gaining a more nuanced understanding of what this term means, both to individuals within this community and perhaps those outside of it as well.

When you encounter the term "Conservative Christian," what precisely comes to mind? Are there specific doctrinal beliefs you associate with this designation? Beyond theological positions, does this term imply particular lifestyle commitments or ethical practices for you? Moreover, how would you delineate a Conservative Christian from someone who merely identifies as a "Christian"?

Your input will be invaluable in contributing to a more nuanced comprehension of what "Conservative Christian" entails. The aim of this discussion is not only to provide clarity but perhaps also to challenge some of our own preconceptions.

Sometimes a word can be defined by identifying the opposite position. What is a "liberal Christian"? A liberal Christian properly defined does not hold to verbal, plenary inspiration, nor do they hold to traditions, and often reject even the deity of Christ. While tradition cannot be the basis of a belief system unless those traditions are Bible based, a liberal rejects the foundation of Christianity, which is the Bible itself. I identify as a fundamentalist, but the term liberal is often bandied about as a pejorative without a real understanding of what a liberal really is. Neo-evangelicals are not liberals nor fundamentalists.

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