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Good Character?


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Paul Craig Roberts and John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute offer their opinions on the character of the citizens of the United States. I am afraid I must concur . . . . what is your opinion? http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2015/07/23/eroding-character-american-people-paul-craig-roberts/

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Yes, this country is a mess and the judicial system is corrupt at all levels. Look at news events in other nations and then read the comments and notice how often people point out that if the incidence had occurred in America the person wouldn't have been taken into custody, they would have been beat and/or shot, and either in a hospital or dead. American law enforcement is trained to view everyone as a potential, if not outright, criminal, rather than a citizen with rights. Police are trained to conduct themselves as if in a war zone so they are quick to become verbally and physically aggressive. With those two training attitudes in place it's little wonder so many perform as they do.

Some years ago a man here was arrested for rape. He was accused of raping his former girlfriend. Before trial the former girlfriend came forward and admitted she had been pressured by her new boyfriend to lie and accuse her former boyfriend of rape. The prosecutor told her if she didn't stick by her original false statement he would charge her with several crimes and make sure she got the maximum sentence for each. Her former boyfriend was convicted and sent to prison.

I've known of countless men who have been arrested and not only charged with whatever they were arrested for, but several other charges for crimes they didn't commit (but the police had been unable to solve). The prosecutor and defense lawyers play along with this as it keeps them in business and looking good while the one accused of the crimes is penalized.

Sit through some court trials and take note of how often the judge favors the prosecution.

Look at various news sites and read the comments people leave regarding those arrested. Without fail they are condemning the accused without trial, without knowing the evidence, and most often they are calling for punishments like or worse than what is handed out in Muslim countries. These are the same people who end up as jurors! Is it any wonder the prosecution doesn't have to work very hard to get convictions and big sentences.

When an accused person claims his rights to not take the stand, or take the fifth, or a speedy trial, or even to be considered innocent, the prosecution uses these against them as "proof" of their guilt and judges allow it and jurors buy it!

Every prosecutor and every defense attorney has their own list of various "experts" from law enforcement, forensics, etc., that they know will provide testimony in their favor no matter the case.

Billions of dollars flow through the law enforcement and court systems and billions more through the prison systems. Millions are enriched by this and even more find their employment within this system. It's in all their best interests to keep the system full from front to back. All the while they grow rich they can claim to be protecting society. Never mind the millions of "nobodies" who pay a high cost, some deservedly, many others not so, to keep a corrupt system going full steam so the money flows the same.

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