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Republican Betrayal--Again!


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Anyone take note of the Republicans push through congress, against many Democrats, of the spending bill which hands OBama virtually everything he wanted, including funding for OBamacare and his unconstitutional (illegal) executive order giving what amounts to amnesty to about 5 million illegals in this country?


Only a tiny few Republicans opposed this, one of the most vocal being Michele Bachmann at the end of her time in office. She has been hammered and totally misrepresented in the MSM and even worse in the cyber "news" world.


One talking head called this a tactical move and claimed the Republicans will do something about the bad things some time next year. Yet as those on the actual Right have pointed out, by that time the funding will already be in place and the programs in action and that can't be stopped or reversed.


As was also pointed out, with the Republicans pushing through the funding for OBama's immigration executive order they will now be hard pressed to fight against that as being unconstitutional when they are now on record as funding the program.


More of the same from congressional Republicans and the liberal leaning leadership. Talk tough, govern and vote like a wimp. Promise voters a shiny apple and hand them a rotten lemon.

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All according to plan.  The republicans and the democrats are in sync on all the issues that are important to them.  What is good for the American people is far from their minds.  The people were warned that this would be the outcome of the so-called changed in control of the congress but they wouldn't listen.  There are no surprises here and there will be no surprises forth coming . . . . for me at least.

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What really gets me is we go through this every couple of years. Republicans tickle ears, get voted into office, and then it's back to the same old game.


In my lifetime we've had several Republican presidents, Republican congresses, even having both for years at a time, and America is far worse off today than back then. Republicans or Democrats in the White House and/or congress and the country continues down the same road towards that cliff.


Still, every election cycle it's the same story: This year will be different!


Then, after every election, both Parties go back to doing what they were before, seeing who will be holding the wheel when the country plunges over the cliff.

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