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The Charge Of The Light Brigade . . . . This Ain't


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The Charge of the Lightweights
by JLH
With apologies to the shade of Lord Tennyson*
Half a step, half a step,
Half a step backward,
All in a world gone mad,
Stumbled the White House crowd.
“Strategy we have none —
We’ve never needed one.
For a country that is bad,
We just scraped and bowed.”
Side to side, they careened,
But their base remained serene,
Placid and somewhat cowed,
Despite the dark suspicion that
Someone was stupid.
Theirs not to reason — why?
Theirs but to vote and sigh.
Through a world they’d driven mad,
Bumbled the White House crowd.
IS to the right of them,
Putin to the left of them,
Muslim Brothers holding their hands,
Clichés resounding proud,
Blindly, halting but pell-mell,
Thinking still that all was well,
Into the maze they went —
Faster than word can tell.
Insouciant White House crowd!
Then flashed their intellects bare,
Flashed as they twisted in air,
Torturing the tactics there,
Blotting their copybooks
While the world mused out loud.
Lost in the mirrors and smoke,
Preconceptions bent and broke.
Leading from behind —
“Please, can we just rewind?”
Allies and enemies alike
Reeled as from an OBscene joke —
Clever old White House crowd.
Sycophants to the right of them.
Sycophants to the left of them,
Leftists and Muslims behind them,
They follied and blundered,
Desperate friends left in the lurch,
Those who had fought so well,
While their hopes and countries fell —
Still our heroes emerged untouched,
Thinking not overmuch,
Ayres and Alinsky proud
Of their doughty White House crowd.
When can their ignominy fade?
Oh the wild charges they made!
Not bloody, but not unbowed,
Dishonor is their middle name,
And no one now disputes their fame,
IgnOBle White House crowd.
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Makes me think of a news piece I saw on the Forbes list of the most powerful people on the planet.


For the second year in a row Putin has ranked #1.


Were it not for the sheer size of American involvement throughout the world, OBama would have ranked even farther down the list for his foreign policy has been a shambles.

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