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Do You Want To Be The "hammer" Or The "nail?"


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Usually when I am asked this question it is by someone who doesn't "sugar coat" anything and when they "let their light shine"  it is at 10 million candlepower (Daniel Rush); they are definitely a "hammer". 


For me, I want to be the nail and I will tell you why:


1.  A nail doesn't do any good in the box.  In fact left in the box to long it will rust and become utterly useless to anyone.

2.  A nail can't control where it is placed.  I want to always be exactly where the carpenter wants me.

3.  A nail stays in one place.  A nail can not fulfill it's purpose if it doesn't stay where it is placed.

4.  A nail requires continual pressure in order to fulfill it's purpose.  

5.  A nail is very hard to move when it is "all in".  I try to be "all in" with my walk with the Lord and church life, and therefore I am very difficult to be moved.

6.  A nail is designed to hold things together.  When you are all in, your presence is a great bond for many others you come in contact with.

7.  A nail is never supposed to be seen.  A nail does it's job most effectively behind the scenes when holding things together.

8.  Nails come in hundreds of different shapes, sizes, and purposes and God uses them all for His purposes.  What kind of nail are you?  A roofing nail to "keep the lid from flying off?"  A structural nail to hold things up?  A "gutter spike" which is a nail to support the weight of something bearing a heavy load (like your Pastor). A cement nail providing a solid foundation?


Bro. Garry


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