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A Quote: We Have Come To A Time When We Are Continually


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We have come to a time when we are continually on the defense. We dig our little spiritually foxholes and pile up our sandbags with our little spiritual peashooter and try to keep the Devil from getting us when we ought to be marching out like and army and having the Devil run from us.

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Where have I read that?

This is true for many. Much easier to huddle in our little church, form a tight little circle with a few other Christians, and pray the Lord returns before things get too bad for us.

Being salt and light in the world isn't practiced much these days.

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Not practiced very much.

Yet our churches is our retreat, our retreat so that we can be with other Christians, learn of God, the things He approves of, the things He disapproves of, gain strength from one another, encourage one another, provoke one another towards good works, so that we pass though its door to the outside world we can truly let out light shine as we live our lives on this earth.

Sad to say, many attend church services calling that worship, when true worshipers are those that let Christ live though them letting their light shine brightly before all people.

That is, we can't be the salt if the only place we worship, let our light shine, is inside the closed doors of our churches.

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