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If you don't want to answer an honest question... then don't post.
How was my question "pretentious" in any way?
If it was contentious it is probably because you don't like to be questioned on something you have no answer to.
If anyone wants to discuss salvation open a new topic... I created this topic to speak about militarization.
I have nothing else to add.
One in Christ,

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If you don't want to answer an honest question... then don't post.
How was my question "pretentious" in any way?
If it was contentious it is probably because you don't like to be questioned on something you have no answer to.
If anyone wants to discuss salvation open a new topic... I created this topic to speak about militarization.
I have nothing else to add.
One in Christ,

You have made your intentions here very clear. Why continue with the fraud?

All your "logic" and questions will avail you nothing if you enter eternity without being born again in Christ. It's time to give full consideration to your eternal soul, not pointless diversions.
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What fraud?
One in Christ,

If you were sincere your first priority would be with regards to your salvation as well as the salvation of your girlfriend.

You would also not be ashamed or afraid to discuss what church you attend or other such matters.

At this point, only the condition of your eternal soul matters. Are you content you spend eterninty in the torments of hell? Are you content with that possible fate for your girlfriend? Would it not be in both your interests to obey God concerning salvation and be assured of an eternity with Christ?
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