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Democrats\People\lgbt community
Experience tells us that progress is incremental—just as President Obama said, “step by step, law by law, mind by changing mind.” We will continue to fight with the LGBT community as members, friends, family, and allies, with the hope that one day each of us will be seen as equal under the law.

Mail Online, Daily Mail, UK
The Obama administration bluntly warned the world against gay and lesbian discrimination Tuesday, declaring the U.S. will use foreign assistance as well as diplomacy to back its insistence that gay rights are fully equal to other basic human rights.

In unusually strong language, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton compared the struggle for gay equality to difficult passages toward women's rights and racial equality.

She added that a country's cultural or religious traditions are no excuse for discrimination.

''The struggle to end discrimination against lesbian, gay,

bisexual, and transgender persons is a global challenge,

and one that is central to the United States' commitment

to promoting human rights.'' -President Barack Obama

You watched your tax dollars spent for world wide abortion. Now you'll watch your tax dollars being used to promote the homosexual agenda. Edited by 1Tim115
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The government has long been going against the will of the people but "we the people" have allowed it to continue so it's only natural that the government would continually grow more bold in their abuse of power.

Meanwhile, Dem and Repub alike, Christian and non-Christian alike, bemoan aspects of the government and what the politicians are doing, yet time and again they vote the same politicians back into office and time and again they vote for more of the same sort when they have the chance to elect someone new.

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