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As of now who will win the nominations



5 members have voted

  1. 1. What republican candidates will win the nominations as of today?

    • Herman Cain
    • Jon Huntsman
    • Michele Bachmann
    • Mitt Romney
    • Newt Gingrich
    • Rick Perry
    • Ron Paul
    • Rick Santorum

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It's pretty much too late for someone else to enter the race. I think for over half the States the deadline for entering has already passed.

We will know more after the Iowa caucus' and especially after the New Hampshire primary which follows that. People often answer polls one way but then vote another.

One thing we can probably be sure of, any candidates that would actually try to do what is necessary to really help America won't receive support from the Party leaders, the media or most of the voters. Like usual these days, most voters will base their vote upon popularity and what they think will benefit them personally so we will get another candidate who will continue to play the game and keep America going in the wrong direction.

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