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ABC network set to attack Christianity


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ABC network set to attack Christianity with "Good Christian B-tches" show
"For Heaven's sake, don't let God get in the way of a good story!" - GCB author Kim Gatlin
March 7, 2011

The ABC network is currently working on a pilot for a prime-time program called "Good Christian B-tches."

It's a Christian-bashing version of ABC's current "Desperate Housewives." The show centers on a recently divorced mother of two who moves back to the affluent neighborhood where she grew up to find herself in the whirling midst of gossip, Botox and fraud.

Disney-owned ABC has no reservations about creating hate speech against Christians, but you can be sure they would never consider a show called "Good Muslim B-tches" or "Good Jewish B-tches."

With a title like "Good Christian B-tches," you can imagine what kind of show it will be. Even if they change the title, the content will still mock people of faith.


Sign a petition to ABC and parent company Disney to drop all plans to air the anti-Christian program "Good Christian B-tches."

We'll add your petition to thousands of other voices in also urging advertisers to place it on their "do not advertise" list and consider pulling all ads from the ABC network in protest of this Anti-Christian bigotry.


Monica Cole, Director

P.S. Please forward this to your family and friends! Become a fan of OneMillionMoms on Facebook! If you use Twitter, keep up with the latest information by following us.

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ABC network set to attack Christianity with "Good Christian B-tches" show
"For Heaven's sake, don't let God get in the way of a good story!" - GCB author Kim Gatlin
March 7, 2011

The ABC network is currently working on a pilot for a prime-time program called "Good Christian B-tches."

It's a Christian-bashing version of ABC's current "Desperate Housewives." The show centers on a recently divorced mother of two who moves back to the affluent neighborhood where she grew up to find herself in the whirling midst of gossip, Botox and fraud.

Disney-owned ABC has no reservations about creating hate speech against Christians, but you can be sure they would never consider a show called "Good Muslim B-tches" or "Good Jewish B-tches."

With a title like "Good Christian B-tches," you can imagine what kind of show it will be. Even if they change the title, the content will still mock people of faith.


Sign a petition to ABC and parent company Disney to drop all plans to air the anti-Christian program "Good Christian B-tches."

We'll add your petition to thousands of other voices in also urging advertisers to place it on their "do not advertise" list and consider pulling all ads from the ABC network in protest of this Anti-Christian bigotry.


Monica Cole, Director

P.S. Please forward this to your family and friends! Become a fan of OneMillionMoms on Facebook! If you use Twitter, keep up with the latest information by following us.

Like more that 98% of the TV shows, many professing Christians set glued to their TV screens each week night, loving every moment of their TV viewing, loving TV shows that portrays sins against God, I feel sure many of these same professing Christians will embrace this show as well and will not be able to stand missing a single week of it.

Of course we much remember theses professing Christians have willingly let the old Devil blind them to God's truths while they live their life encouraging the Devil towards his goal he has had since that day many years ago when he rebelled against God. Oh how many professing Christians loves the works of the Devil more than they love the One that can saved them from their sins and and eternity in the depth of hell will that old deceiving Devil

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Yes, the sad fact is there would be professing Christians saying it's okay to watch this show because it's about Christians! I've heard many professing Christians talk about how wonderful it is to watch American Idol and it's okay because some of the contestants are Christians. The same sort of arguments are used for those who watch and endorse shows like Highway to Heaven and Touched By An Angel, even though those shows are so theologically incorrect and teach so many false doctrines.

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Yes, the sad fact is there would be professing Christians saying it's okay to watch this show because it's about Christians! I've heard many professing Christians talk about how wonderful it is to watch American Idol and it's okay because some of the contestants are Christians. The same sort of arguments are used for those who watch and endorse shows like Highway to Heaven and Touched By An Angel, even though those shows are so theologically incorrect and teach so many false doctrines.

I'm amazed at some people who think of their self as good Christians over on Facebook. Take a look at their info pages, and it will totally wipe out the Christian image they claim to portray. Because of them listing their favorite movies, movie stars, TV shows,TV stars, music, musical heroes, and places they love to go. If they loved Christ, there is no way such junk as that could be called their favorite. To many only give lipservice, yet never give their heart to Jesus.
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Like more that 98% of the TV shows, many professing Christians set glued to their TV screens each week night, loving every moment of their TV viewing, loving TV shows that portrays sins against God, I feel sure many of these same professing Christians will embrace this show as well and will not be able to stand missing a single week of it.

Of course we much remember theses professing Christians have willingly let the old Devil blind them to God's truths while they live their life encouraging the Devil towards his goal he has had since that day many years ago when he rebelled against God. Oh how many professing Christians loves the works of the Devil more than they love the One that can saved them from their sins and and eternity in the depth of hell will that old deceiving Devil

"Embrace this show" your giving undue credit, they won't be able to tell it from their own personal lives. It will probably bore them and they'll head back to facebook.
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Forget petitions, just toss the TV, there is virtually nothing good on it anyway. The internet has good in addition to the bad at least, TV has almost zero good on it, for the most part it is just bad and worse.

Edited by Seth-Doty
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I'm amazed at some people who think of their self as good Christians over on Facebook. Take a look at their info pages, and it will totally wipe out the Christian image they claim to portray. Because of them listing their favorite movies, movie stars, TV shows,TV stars, music, musical heroes, and places they love to go. If they loved Christ, there is no way such junk as that could be called their favorite. To many only give lipservice, yet never give their heart to Jesus.

That's a fact! I went on Facebook awhile back to see who was or wasn't on there. It was shocking to see the profiles, and especially pictures on some of them! Supposedly fine and upstanding Christians, of various ages, and most of them featured pictures of them in immodest dress, several showed them at drinking parties, often holding booze. Nearly all of them showed a long list of very worldly movies and TV shows they like, with only a few mentioning the Bible, and extremely few with a profile that would lead one to believe they are true, practicing Christians.
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Forget petitions, just toss the TV, there is virtually nothing good on it anyway. The internet has good in addition to the bad at least, TV has almost zero good on it, for the most part it is just bad and worse.

TV truly is a vast wasteland with only the occasional tiny oasis. The main reason we have a TV at all is for the weather and local news. We watch a few of the old cartoons they show on Boomerang and sometimes a couple of shows on the Retro channel. My son watched some baseball last season has he's taken an interest in that. Otherwise it's used sometimes to watch a DVD, which reminds me I have a missionary DVD I still need to watch.
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