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Need some help with a friend

Lisa Anne

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There is a girl I have as a FB friend that my husband and I went to high school with. I wasn't ever good friends with her but I knew her and talked to her sometimes. Anyway she sent me the friend request a couple months back and in a way, ever since then, I sort of wish she had not. She posted that first week about having a hard week, wishing things would look up, life needs to be normal, etc... so I tried to post some encouraging comments to her and tell her I will pray for her. She said she appreciated it but that was about it. I suppose as the weeks went on I realized it wasn't an isolated issue, but a frequent thing she does so my replies became more rare. I even encountered very hateful responses from other friends of hers downing my faith and the Lord. It was disheartening to see but I left it be and still try to occasionally respond to a post if I feel led to do so. I do not believe I should respond to everything for I feel it would be like giving too much sympathy for her situation that she seems to keep herself in. Afterall, if you took all of her posts and laid them out side-by-side you'd see how strikingly similar they are.

I don't want to delete her or hide her posts because I feel it is important for me to keep her in my prayers when she posts. She gets vulgar at times on some status posts usually showing hatred towards people.. mostly general statements, nothing directed towards a specific person. Those posts I do not like, but the Lord gives me the strength to look past them and not dwell on them. She has two young children that she is in and out of court over custody matters involving them, can't seem to get a jOB and as far as I can tell, is not a Christian.

Would you handle this any differently, or maybe are you in a similar situation either online or in person that you could give ME some words of encouragement? I appreciate any help, you all are always here when I need it :)

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