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A Coat of many Colors


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“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours." (Gen. 37:3)

This “coat of many colors” was OBviously an honorable garment; it was a coat of distinction. Joseph was loved more than the others, and that was prOBably because he wanted to do right, as well as being the son of Rachel. Israel particularly loved Joseph, and gave him this coat of honor; this put Joseph above the others, and they sought to destroy him for envy and jealousy. Today, Christians wear a “coat of many colors” in the sense that, as the old saying goes, we wear many hats. Christians function in many different and diverse duties nowadays, and each of them have their value in our lives; our “coat of many colors” becomes Christ and the diversity we enjoy in Him. When Jesus becomes our “badge of distinction” or “coat of many colors”, we rise above the others, and jealousy prevails. Oh, that we might persevere in spite of our peers.

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One thing that's been clear in working secular jOBs is how Christians who live their faith come under much scrutiny, questioning and pressure.

In a typical workplace, those who don't believe in God, Muslims, Mormons and others are not given much attention because of their religion or lack of religion. Meanwhile, true Christians (those who are born again in Christ and live as such) often face a continual stream of questions in attempt to crack their faith or find means to attack their faith. They are often purposefully placed in situations that "test" their faith.

Our typical response is often to wonder "why me" and to pray that the Lord would cause it to stop and give us a life of peace and ease at work. However, while going through such can be a great trial, such can also be a great opportunity for us to example Christ before those who refuse to hear Christ. If we stand firm in our faith, conduct ourselves in the Spirit and not in the flesh, those who are watching us and testing/tempting us will see Christ before them. No doubt what we most often see as persecution and something we want out of, the Apostle Paul would have seen as a blessed opportunity!

Indeed, we are to wear Christ for the world to see!

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