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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. I heard of a Christian Creation Evangelist, but never of a Christian illusionist Evangelist. Interesting, I hope you find what you are looking for.
  2. What is going on people don’t wanna work for a living, jobs everywhere looking for good help. When was the last time this happened, where people do need money but don’t want to just take any job. My question, is this happening also in the churches, are the churches having a hard time to find good help. Thanks
  3. I believe the SBC was a strong Bible Preaching church in the past, some time ago. I attended and enjoy serving with them. Even if they don’t use the KJV. But the new generation of believers in the SBC, are selling out. Becoming more liberal in all ways. Not all of them-yet, but this change is bringing growth in members. So if you can’t beat them, join them. Right
  4. You know what is really wired, that there those that are against the LGBTQ movement, against the gay marriages movement, against abortions, under the Christian umbrella, and don’t even attend a church. Also those that support this movement and say that they are Christians. There are those so call Christian against the government, where there is no business they should be, like gun control. Oil and water don’t mix.
  5. Quote, The Deity of Christ Jesus is under attack would you agree? I would say that true Christians are under attack, remember Jesus is Love for many.
  6. There was never no confusing to me, who Jesus is. Those that have any doubts or unbeliever of Jesus. I don’t waste my time trying to prove this to them. I simply say to them, the lost, what the Bible says. The foolish man say there is no God, or those that don’t believe in Jesus the son of God. Your on your own, live a happy life. Thanks you for sharing your post.
  7. Hello there and welcome aboard.
  8. Evil can also be sinners, I believe were you mentioned above.
  9. I listen to the whole or watch the whole video. I agree on 99% of it just at the very end he mentioned, that the government tell him, that the church cannot operate because of the virus, but we don’t need to listen to the government, everything else I did agreed with. I believe if there’s a life safety situation and the government interferes for life safety ONLY I believe we should listen to the government. I don’t want to continue the virus subject here. It could mean we’re at war and for safety you need to stay at home example.
  10. That will be all the Christian family can do is just leave. But at the same time they will gain more of them. They are not evil people, they are lost just like we were, but what they want to bring into the church is evil.
  11. Okay, sorry about that, I do think your a nice person that don’t like my posts. I don’t need any friends, and I do feel that there are others that will agree with you. I will be more careful. Thanks, pretty much any church can give us true Baptist believers, a bad name.
  12. So there are no Baptist bylaws that can disqualified a church, from being a Baptist church. Example , if I had a Baptist church, and I made the members work for their salvation, and made them get baptized. Under the Baptist church name There would be nothing others Baptist churches can do about it. Just Checking, this is not right. Thanks for replying, that brother Tony is too stuff. He must scare his members away. ?
  13. There needs to be a Baptist Organization, that takes control of the situation and make those Baptist churches that support this movement, and lifestyle of the LGBTQ remove the name Baptist, from their churches. Here in America Is there such an Independent Baptist Organization, out there today, that could do this or brave enough.
  14. Here in America the liberals not all, but many are against anything where authorities like the military or police are in control. There are rule’s and laws were we must live by. This movement is even slipping into our churches, were there are those say the evil doers to our armed forces. Can you imagine this in America today, it’s happening.
  15. I did not mention a full service Sir. But a moment to remember. Same thing you’re saying. Thanks for replying, maybe you don’t agree with the liberal part of the post.
  16. Thank you for replying, yes this is a USA holiday, memorial day. I should’ve mentioned Baptist churches of America.
  17. This Sunday, many churches will take a moment to appreciate those that served in our military. This is a good way to thank these families, and to share the gospel. Do your church participate in this service every year, if not, why not. I believe most Baptist churches do, those that don’t could be that they are liberals, my guess.
  18. Can this also be abused, serving. Like taken care of the pastors kids, the person serving should be paid. Washing his car, this person should be paid. All personal services, should be paid for in my opinion. If they are not paid, this is abuse, and this works is not serving the Lord.
  19. What does it means, to serve the lord here on earth, apart from preaching the Word and evangelism. Can you please give me some examples, like cleaning the church, is that serving the Lord, cutting the grass of the church grounds, is that serving the Lord. Washing the pastor car, is this serving the Lord. I believe, in this area some could be taken advantage of it’s members. I know that my post may sound negative sometimes, but believe me there are needed to be taken care of. The Word of God, and the church needs to be rightly divide it. Amen Be nice B T
  20. If I had the money of these preachers you mentioned above, never mine. ?
  21. These seats feel so comfortable and that air conditioner feels so good. ? But it is better to stay awake.
  22. You say it’s a negative post. I say it’s positive post, they got caught and that is good news. I know you’re 50% Southern Baptist BT, but it’s just news. Relax
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