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  1. Sad
    Jim_Alaska reacted to Invicta in My Granddaughter   
    I have told her that. She said she didn't tell  me because she knew I would react like that. We pray for her every day as do other members of our family . I wrote to her some months ago when her elder brother said she was thinking about it. Today is said that none of us would be upset if we didnt love you. But we are really upset that  you are planning to permanently mutilate your body. 
    You may remember some years ago there were some   Muslim attacks on a football match and a café and a Jewish supermarket in Paris.  She was on a course in Paris at that time and on the day of the attacks she and five college friends were  due to meet for coffee in that café.  On the day most of them had to work late or were not well and only one was in the café on the day and he wasn't hurt.  She put that down to God's providence. Now she said she doesn't believe in God. 
    My daughter said she will have to cut off her youngest who is 14 from having contact with her sister.  
    Please pray for her she calls herself Rae.
  2. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to SureWord in KJV and God preserving His Word   
    The original copies are long gone.
    I wouldn't get caught up in this. The main thing is did God preserve his word without error in a language you can read and understand? And where is it?
    All the other questions like " Where was the word of God before 1611?" or debates about manuscripts and codices and translations are just diversions. Once you find where the word of God is then you can deal with them.
    The litmus test is which bible are the scholars and critics always attacking and trying to correct? (I've seen scholars whose full time ministry is correcting every word in the KJV. That's no exaggeration either.) Which bible has stood the test of time? And which bible has produced the most fruit?
  3. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Dressing for church   
    I have to agree. I haven't worn a suit and tie in nearly 20 years except when I got to preach. Then I always wore that attire. Most of the time I wear a nice pair of jeans ? and nice shirt, though sometimes I will wear a nice t shirt. Here in Tennessee that's pretty much standard attire for most men. 
  4. I Agree
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from DaveW in Churches Abandon Baptist Name   
    John was the last of the Old Testament Prophets and the first of the New Testament preachers.
  5. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Whats for Supper...   
    Moose is wonderful!. I actually like it better than venison. It seems to have a stronger taste, not really "gamey" like some of the venison I have been served. While living in Augusta Georgia I used to get Buffalo burgers from a local man who bred, slaughtered, and marketed these products through his restaurant.
  6. Like
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    HC, that reminded me that when I lived in Alaska I often did Moose stroganoff. Like beef, it is very tasty, although lacking in fat, like  most wild game. I usually cut it in strips before cooking, it seemed to tenderize it some.
  7. Like
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from BrotherTony in Whats for Supper...   
    HC, that reminded me that when I lived in Alaska I often did Moose stroganoff. Like beef, it is very tasty, although lacking in fat, like  most wild game. I usually cut it in strips before cooking, it seemed to tenderize it some.
  8. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to Invicta in Whats for Supper...   
    Today I did lamb steak in gravy with Dauphinoise potatoes carrot and green beans .
  9. I Agree
    Jim_Alaska reacted to Joe Chandler in Whay about the exceiting new developments about Islam/Quran and Muhhamed?   
    Many scholars also doubt the existence of David. Archaeologists prove them wrong time after time.
  10. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Your daughter Married a Jehovah witness…   
    Going to a "Christian" college doesn't guarantee anything. But, it certainly can't hurt. I've seen a lot of men and women go to Bible college with the intent of finding a spouse, and many have ended up married and divorced because a good front was put on display. But, it seems they ended up with the "devil's disciple."
  11. Praying
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Pulmonary Rehab   
    I started my pulmonary rehab this past Tuesday. I've got at least 18 weeks, and more could be tacked on if needed. The first two sessions have come and gone, and I was told on Thursday my breathing is erratic. They are wanting me to have the echocardiogram sooner than July 14, but we haven't been able to get it moved up. They have made me start using something called a "peak flow meter." This measures how much air I can blow out. I need to be at a minimum of 365 and a max of 435. I have to inhale and blow air out of my mouth into this meter and mark down the results of the three times I do it. I also have to do this several times a day. The last four attempts. Yesterday I couldn't make the meter land in anything over 185. The PFM readings yesterday were 135, 145, and 85. I'm not sure, but, I don't believe I'll ever reach 365. My lung capacity is nowhere near that, and I don't foresee reaching that kind of output. I would appreciate your prayers. I'm still not able to lie down and sleep because the airflow into my lungs isn't good enough for me to work any longer than an hour or so. I really don't want any more sessions added to my rehab. Prayers appreciated. 
  12. Thanks
    Jim_Alaska reacted to Invicta in Post-Trib Rapture?   
    It is strange that whe  I speak to JWs and ask who will be saved, the quote that  verse. Except one, who said  "Believe on Jesus Christ and you will be saved." 
    There are usually  a couple at the end of our road most mornings, they seem to change to another couple after an hour.  One named Godwin who is an elder wants me to sit on a bench in the park and discuss the bible with him  but I said I was quite happy sitting right there on my mobility scooter. I invited him to come to our house and sit in the garden and discuss  the scriptures with me. Eventually he agreed and I gave him a scripture verse and asked him to think what it meant to him to start with. He asked what my take on it was but I said  "I'm asking you think about it and we can discuss it when you come." 
    1 Corr  6:19,20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.  They say the Holy Spirit is only a force not God. Who lives in a temple? Depending on his answer I will direct him to the scriptures where Paul says "You are the temple of the living God" Also who if the first and last. Their bible says Jehovah in a couple of places and in others it is plainly Jesus. They say jesus is a god, not The God.  They also say Jesus died an a torture stake not a cross and that  the cross is a pagan sign which shows that churches are based on paganism. But their  watchtower magazine used a cross in a crown on the cover till the first issue in 1931 after which they took it off. 
  13. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Meal kits and online meat purchasing   
    Tonight we had packaged enchiladas and burritos. We get them 12 in a bag each, and they come in handy for nights when it's just too hot to cook, and believe me, it's been much too hot and humid to do much cooking. 
  14. I Agree
    Jim_Alaska reacted to Pastor Matt in Happy Fourth of July again…   
    I think Glorylands favorite word is "Liberal" ? Happy 4th my friend!!
  15. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Happy Fourth of July again…   
    Uh, do you mean "fought" for our freedom? Lol ? Is a good day for reflection about the cost of our freedom, for sure.
  16. I Agree
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Pastors and Ladies Club Now Active   
    That's not even funny TGL....just as it wasn't funny when you admitted trying to get into the women's forums. Sad.?
  17. LOL
    Jim_Alaska reacted to Salyan in Pastors and Ladies Club Now Active   
    By the title of this thread, I thought they were the same thing.... ? ?
  18. I Agree
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Derailing a thread.   
    I've never found ? clown's remotely funny. Some do, though.
  19. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to BrotherTony in Now there’s a movement to bar women as worship leaders in churches   
    Personally I wish the pastor's wife would step down as "worship" leader. I mean, what is that anyway? In most of the Baptist churches I was ever in as a member or visitor up until the early 1990s, there was a proper song leader. I never did like the changeover to a "worship ' leader. I always believed that to be the pastors job, and we should have our hearts in condition to worship and praise God. 
  20. Like
    Jim_Alaska reacted to HappyChristian in Covid caught up to me   
    Glad you're getting better. Hubs and I had heavy fatigue for a few weeks after ours was over. I recommend Air Power and Vit D 3 for your lungs. (if you take Vit D, take some magnesium, too, so it doesn't get depleted from your body). The Air Power will especially be good since you have asthma.
    I don't think you were bragging, and I don't think that's why you got it. Viruses do what they do,  when they do it. ?
  21. Thanks
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from Napsterdad in Acapella, four part harmony, by one man   
    Jim Hill is another musician I like to listen to. He has a wonderful voice and musical instrument ability and uses them for the Glory of God.
  22. Thanks
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from Napsterdad in Acapella, four part harmony, by one man   
    Sorry, I just can't help it, I'm on a roll tonight.
    Sing to me of Heaven
  23. Thanks
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from Napsterdad in Acapella, four part harmony, by one man   
    Although I love all the hymns this man does, I especially like this one.
    Till the storm passes by
    If you have a musically inclined ear you can pick out the bass, which he does majestically. In trying to concentrate on his bass, it helps to watch his face. The bass is on the far left.
    Or, how about this that he sings with his wife? She can hit such a high note on the word "valley" that it is amazing.
    Paradise Valley
  24. Thanks
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from Napsterdad in Acapella, four part harmony, by one man   
    This is one of my favorite channels to subscribe to for hymns. This brother does a wonderful job.
  25. Like
    Jim_Alaska got a reaction from heartstrings in Acapella, four part harmony, by one man   
    This is one of my favorite channels to subscribe to for hymns. This brother does a wonderful job.
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