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  1. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Had some kind of "grey" meat product found in the bottom of chest freezer from who knows when.  Used it in extra spicy and HOT chili recipe so that the type of meat like grey material it was didn't matter.  With enough Habanero sauce in the chili, my taste buds were fried enough that I didn't taste the freezer burn...or the beans, onions, tomato sauce, or the ice cream I had two hours later.  Maybe by morning I will be able to taste coffee if I make it like we did when on ship; thick enough to not slosh out of the cup with the rocking of the boat.  
    After that, I put up my chest freezer on Craig's List and went down to Lowe's and bought a new upright freezer with LOTS of baskets and shelves so I never again have mystery items lurking in the deep dark depths of my freezer.
    Bro. Garry
  2. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Rebecca in Whats for Supper...   
    Just finished preparing TOMORROW nights dinner.  Making the best lasagna recipe I know of, from an expert.  If you are seeking a quick and inexpensive lasagna recipe this is NOT it!  It will take over 4 hours to prep before baking and I recommend letting it sit in the refrigerator assembled for 24 hours before baking it (everyone knows lasagna and spaghetti are always better the next day).  Here is the recipe I have used with great success for over 40 years.
    1 lbs Sweet Italian Sausage (I prefer Hot).
    3/4 lbs of lean ground beef
    1/2 C Minced Onion
    4 Cloves Garlic Minced
    1 28oz can of Italian Crushed Tomatoes
    2 6oz cans of Tomato paste
    2 6.5oz cans of Tomato Sauce
    1/2 C of water
    2 T of sugar
    1 1/2 t of Dried Basil Leaves
    1/2 t of Fennel Seeds
    1 t of Italian Seasoning
    1 T of Salt
    1/4 t of Black Pepper
    4 T of Chopped Fresh Parsley
    12 Lasagna Noodles
    16 oz of Ricotta Cheese (bite the bullet and get the ricotta.  No cheating, substituting cheaper cottage cheese)
    1 Egg
    1/2 t of Salt
    1 lbs of Mozzarella Cheese
    8 oz of Grated Parmesan Cheese (NOT from a shake can of Kraft Parmesan, buy the fresh stuff)
    1.  In a dutch oven, cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and garlic over a medium heat until well browned.  Stir in Crushed Tomatoes, Tomato Paste, Tomato Sauce, and Water.  Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, italian seasoning, 1 T of Salt, pepper, and 2T of the Parsley.  Simmer on low heat for 3 hours, stir occasionally. 
    2.  SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU ARE LETTING SET FOR 24 HOURS.  Bring Lg pot of lightly salted water to a boil.  Cook lasagna noodles in boiling water for only 8 min.  Immediately drain and rinse in cold water.  In mixing bowl, combine Ricotta cheese with Egg, remaining Parsley, and 1/2 t of salt.
    3.  Preheat oven to 375 ( IF you are preparing same day instead of letting set overnight for best flavor)
    4.  To Assemble:  Spread 1 1/2 C meat sauce in bottom of 9 x 13 Baking Dish.  Arrange 4 noodles lengthwise over meat sauce.  Spread 1/2 of Ricotta Cheese mixture.  Top with 1/3 of Mozzarella.  Spoon 1 1/2 C meat sauce over mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/3 of Parmesan.  REPEAT layers.  Top with Mozzarella cheese and Parmesan.  Cover with foil (spray foil with cooking spray to prevent sticking)
    5.  See note* Bake covered 25 min.  Remove foil and bake 40 minutes. Check often after 25 min and adjust cooking time/temp to prevent overcooking.
    Note:  Best when made the night before without baking it!  Let set assembled in the refrigerator over night covered.  If you do this step you do not need to boil the noodle but I usually will soak the noodles in Hot tap water for 10 min to make them pliable.
    All that is left now is the right atmosphere with appropriate Italian music.  I highly recommend Itzhak Perlman playing Vivaldi's Four Seasons.
    Bon Apetit!
    Bro. Garry
  3. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Just finished preparing TOMORROW nights dinner.  Making the best lasagna recipe I know of, from an expert.  If you are seeking a quick and inexpensive lasagna recipe this is NOT it!  It will take over 4 hours to prep before baking and I recommend letting it sit in the refrigerator assembled for 24 hours before baking it (everyone knows lasagna and spaghetti are always better the next day).  Here is the recipe I have used with great success for over 40 years.
    1 lbs Sweet Italian Sausage (I prefer Hot).
    3/4 lbs of lean ground beef
    1/2 C Minced Onion
    4 Cloves Garlic Minced
    1 28oz can of Italian Crushed Tomatoes
    2 6oz cans of Tomato paste
    2 6.5oz cans of Tomato Sauce
    1/2 C of water
    2 T of sugar
    1 1/2 t of Dried Basil Leaves
    1/2 t of Fennel Seeds
    1 t of Italian Seasoning
    1 T of Salt
    1/4 t of Black Pepper
    4 T of Chopped Fresh Parsley
    12 Lasagna Noodles
    16 oz of Ricotta Cheese (bite the bullet and get the ricotta.  No cheating, substituting cheaper cottage cheese)
    1 Egg
    1/2 t of Salt
    1 lbs of Mozzarella Cheese
    8 oz of Grated Parmesan Cheese (NOT from a shake can of Kraft Parmesan, buy the fresh stuff)
    1.  In a dutch oven, cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and garlic over a medium heat until well browned.  Stir in Crushed Tomatoes, Tomato Paste, Tomato Sauce, and Water.  Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, italian seasoning, 1 T of Salt, pepper, and 2T of the Parsley.  Simmer on low heat for 3 hours, stir occasionally. 
    2.  SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU ARE LETTING SET FOR 24 HOURS.  Bring Lg pot of lightly salted water to a boil.  Cook lasagna noodles in boiling water for only 8 min.  Immediately drain and rinse in cold water.  In mixing bowl, combine Ricotta cheese with Egg, remaining Parsley, and 1/2 t of salt.
    3.  Preheat oven to 375 ( IF you are preparing same day instead of letting set overnight for best flavor)
    4.  To Assemble:  Spread 1 1/2 C meat sauce in bottom of 9 x 13 Baking Dish.  Arrange 4 noodles lengthwise over meat sauce.  Spread 1/2 of Ricotta Cheese mixture.  Top with 1/3 of Mozzarella.  Spoon 1 1/2 C meat sauce over mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/3 of Parmesan.  REPEAT layers.  Top with Mozzarella cheese and Parmesan.  Cover with foil (spray foil with cooking spray to prevent sticking)
    5.  See note* Bake covered 25 min.  Remove foil and bake 40 minutes. Check often after 25 min and adjust cooking time/temp to prevent overcooking.
    Note:  Best when made the night before without baking it!  Let set assembled in the refrigerator over night covered.  If you do this step you do not need to boil the noodle but I usually will soak the noodles in Hot tap water for 10 min to make them pliable.
    All that is left now is the right atmosphere with appropriate Italian music.  I highly recommend Itzhak Perlman playing Vivaldi's Four Seasons.
    Bon Apetit!
    Bro. Garry
  4. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from John81 in Cloud Or Chappell   
    This has been a battle and failing of all churches Li Bai Jia.  Paul fought this very early in his ministry as you can see:
    1 Corinthians 1:11-17 (KJV)
    11  For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
    12  Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
    13  Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
    14  I thank God that I baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gaius;
    15  Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name.
    16  And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.
    17  For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.  
    Paul fought divisions (schisms) and contentions of the church even back then with members cleaving to one or the other church leaders.
  5. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to candlelight in Cloud Or Chappell   
    I believe that ASOD.  I have listened to various IFB pastors, and that is what I do.  I try not to look for the negatives in a pastor.  I have heard my own pastor say things that I don't agree on.  Yet, I still sit under his authority.  Just because I don't agree with everything a pastor says, unless it is God's word, doesn't mean I can't take something good from their sermon.
  6. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to ASongOfDegrees in Cloud Or Chappell   
    I really don't care about the different camps. Believe you me, I really don't. Sometimes I'll go on the defense of a preacherchurchbible college because I know for a fact that they are being misrepresented or I try to give them the benefit of the doubt (like in the case of Caner). I tend to root for the underdogs anyway and anyone being piled on is an underdog in my eyes. I also sometimes will defend someone who's writings or ministry has helped me personally but it's purely on that basis that I do that. Not because I'm joined up with any camp. I admit in the past I've knocked on Dr. Cloud without really knowing all what he stands for. Most of this was because I know he misrepresented other ministries and pastors but I have since stop doing this and remain silent about him.
    Also,  I think tearing down a fallen preacher or church is not productive unless they are unrepentant. But even then I try to avoid it because the unsaved and backsliders take joy in seeing this. They love seeing Christians devour each other in a time of need instead of restoring. I really mean this but it hurts me deeply when I hear of a IFB preacher falling into sin and even more when I read some of the gleeful posts produced by Christians when this happens. It should be a time of humility and mercy not a time of mockery and cheering.
  7. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from ASongOfDegrees in Cloud Or Chappell   
    So now you are attacking Golden State Baptist College and Dr. Jack Trieber, West Coast Baptist College, and Hyles Anderson.  Three of the best colleges in America.  I graduated Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College, San Dimas, CA (since moved to Oklahoma City and named Heartland Baptist College) in 1982 when Dr. Jack Baskin was president, you have venom to spread against them and Dr. Baskin too?    You are treading on very thin ice with God in such attacks.
    Numbers 12:1 (KJV)
    1  And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. 
    Was Moses in the wrong for marrying an Ethiopian, when God clearly commanded Israel to marry ONLY within Israel?  Absolutely, Moses was wrong, BUT who did God punish in His fierce wrath?
    Numbers 12:8-12 (KJV) 
    8  With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches; and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold: wherefore then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
    9  And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them; and he departed.
    10  And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.
    11  And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned.
    12  Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when he cometh out of his mother's womb.  
    We never hear of a single rebuke from God over the obvious shortcoming by Moses in doing this wrong, it was the attack on God's prophet and trying to usurp his leadership position that angered God.  So just keep attacking great men of God and the Bible Colleges that are turning out wonderful IFB Pastors by the hundreds.
    Bro. Garry
  8. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Blackened grilled salmon, asparagus, steamed broccoli and cauliflower with CHEESE sauce (that's for candlelight), and crescent rolls. 
  9. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Blackened grilled salmon, asparagus, steamed broccoli and cauliflower with CHEESE sauce (that's for candlelight), and crescent rolls. 
  10. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Got a Pork Loin Roast in the crock pot on low with baby reds, baby carrots, mushrooms, bell peppers and onion, and onion soup mix.  I have fresh sourdough bread (made from starter began by my grandmother in 1940 and kept going until this day) rising right now.  Baking an apple pie for desert and home-made ice cream to top it with. 
    Got a table with 4 empty chairs in it.  Come on by!  There is plenty to eat!
  11. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from 2T3:16 in Cloud Or Chappell   
    My Pastor has two of his kids attending there, my associate Pastor has one son there, and then there is Jaron and Alyssa Canon.  So right now we have 5 of our best and brightest there. It is an excellent college and I would recommend it, BUT like any church or large organization it is not without it's faults or rough edges here and there. They are still solidly KJV only, and have very high standards of separation.  Music is the only thing that is wavering a bit, but then this is from Jaron and he has been under my Pastor for his entire life, because my Pastor has been at my church for over 20 years and is EXTREMELY strict on music.  I am not a musician, so I don't notice or hear some of the things he would reject a song over (such as jazz styling on even a single word).  With that in mind, and being a very talented musician and composer, Jaron's view on music may be much stricter than most where any kind of syncopated beat, or jazz styling may send up red flags to him that may fly right under the radar for others. 
    Bro. Garry
    P.S. Jaron once told me when we were discussing their music, how he is teaching them or pointing out things in the music that they have never considered.  Some of their leaning in the wrong direction could be through simple ignorance of music.  He told me Dr. Rasmussen, who he spent 24 hours a day for 6 weeks with, while on tour with the college singing group during summer, said "i will never listen to music the same way again'.
  12. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from John81 in Whats for Supper...   
    Got a Pork Loin Roast in the crock pot on low with baby reds, baby carrots, mushrooms, bell peppers and onion, and onion soup mix.  I have fresh sourdough bread (made from starter began by my grandmother in 1940 and kept going until this day) rising right now.  Baking an apple pie for desert and home-made ice cream to top it with. 
    Got a table with 4 empty chairs in it.  Come on by!  There is plenty to eat!
  13. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from John81 in Cloud Or Chappell   
    I will admit to knowing little about Hyles Anderson other than exposure to two of it's graduates from the 1970's and early 80's, Dr. William P. Grady who was my pastor in Idaho before he became a well known author on the KJV bible and church history, and Gerald McElroy.  Both were well grounded IFB Pastors in every sense of the word.  However in 35 years of attending IFB churches I have not known of a single student we have sent there.  Being on the west coast most students have gone to either Golden State Baptist College or West Coast Baptist College and I am much more familiar with those two fine schools and their strengths and shortcomings.  If there are better colleges with no issues at all than those two colleges, I have never been made aware of them.  I have issues with both colleges in certain areas, but their core fundamental beliefs and instruction is to date is still solid.  Where would any of you send your children?  I have seen two students go to other "Christian" colleges that were going after NON-ministry majors, in those cases Law Enforcement degree, and Architecture but there is no way we would have blessed them going to those colleges for ministry instruction.  Note:  The Architecture with Construction minor graduate has a fabulous ministry designing and building churches all over the world for IFB missionaries for nothing more than material costs and his room and board.  He is building 2 churches right now in India for Missionary Sam Thomas for less than $10,000 each.  Sadly the Law Enforcement graduate became a Prison official in Denver and attends a church I would never attend in keeping with the poor spiritual instruction he received at Pensacola.
    Bro. Garry
  14. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Salyan in Cloud Or Chappell   
    My Pastor has two of his kids attending there, my associate Pastor has one son there, and then there is Jaron and Alyssa Canon.  So right now we have 5 of our best and brightest there. It is an excellent college and I would recommend it, BUT like any church or large organization it is not without it's faults or rough edges here and there. They are still solidly KJV only, and have very high standards of separation.  Music is the only thing that is wavering a bit, but then this is from Jaron and he has been under my Pastor for his entire life, because my Pastor has been at my church for over 20 years and is EXTREMELY strict on music.  I am not a musician, so I don't notice or hear some of the things he would reject a song over (such as jazz styling on even a single word).  With that in mind, and being a very talented musician and composer, Jaron's view on music may be much stricter than most where any kind of syncopated beat, or jazz styling may send up red flags to him that may fly right under the radar for others. 
    Bro. Garry
    P.S. Jaron once told me when we were discussing their music, how he is teaching them or pointing out things in the music that they have never considered.  Some of their leaning in the wrong direction could be through simple ignorance of music.  He told me Dr. Rasmussen, who he spent 24 hours a day for 6 weeks with, while on tour with the college singing group during summer, said "i will never listen to music the same way again'.
  15. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from John81 in Cloud Or Chappell   
    My Pastor has two of his kids attending there, my associate Pastor has one son there, and then there is Jaron and Alyssa Canon.  So right now we have 5 of our best and brightest there. It is an excellent college and I would recommend it, BUT like any church or large organization it is not without it's faults or rough edges here and there. They are still solidly KJV only, and have very high standards of separation.  Music is the only thing that is wavering a bit, but then this is from Jaron and he has been under my Pastor for his entire life, because my Pastor has been at my church for over 20 years and is EXTREMELY strict on music.  I am not a musician, so I don't notice or hear some of the things he would reject a song over (such as jazz styling on even a single word).  With that in mind, and being a very talented musician and composer, Jaron's view on music may be much stricter than most where any kind of syncopated beat, or jazz styling may send up red flags to him that may fly right under the radar for others. 
    Bro. Garry
    P.S. Jaron once told me when we were discussing their music, how he is teaching them or pointing out things in the music that they have never considered.  Some of their leaning in the wrong direction could be through simple ignorance of music.  He told me Dr. Rasmussen, who he spent 24 hours a day for 6 weeks with, while on tour with the college singing group during summer, said "i will never listen to music the same way again'.
  16. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from swathdiver in Cloud Or Chappell   
    Our church pianist, Jaron Canon, is extremely talented by God's gift (amazing child prodigy since he was 3 years old). He is the official pianist for WCBC chapel services along with Daniel Hopkins.  Lancaster Baptist Church (Paul Chapell) has two Sunday services.  One for the college students attending West Coast Baptist Bible College and one for the general population of Lancaster.  Jaron by conviction will only play in the WCBC services because the music in that service is markedly different than the music in the open to the public general service.  The instruction and teaching he is getting from Dr. Zachary at WCBC blurs the line often between CCM and Christ honoring music.  Jaron has been tasked to write and does write EVERY arrangement now by WCBC.  The last 3 plays put on by WCBC have featured music entirely written by Jaron.  Jaron has been my very close friend for over 12 years and I communicate with him or his family daily, so this is not hearsay from a friend of a friend of a friend.  While Paul Chapell has not yet fully embraced CCM, he is so close to it, it is not leaving him un-spotted.  If you are a student of WCBC and on this site, you can verify all that I just stated.
    Bro. Garry
  17. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Breaded chicken, baked potatoes, steamed broccoli, and spinach salad.
  18. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Japanese exchange student is gone.  I am having HAMBURGER with extra BACON and CHEESE on it , FRENCH FRIES with skin still on, a DILL PICKLE, and a COKE.  
    I did like the Sushi though, but am glad she said to "not ask what's in it before trying it" or I might not know I actually like Eel.
    Bro. Garry
  19. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Japanese exchange student is gone.  I am having HAMBURGER with extra BACON and CHEESE on it , FRENCH FRIES with skin still on, a DILL PICKLE, and a COKE.  
    I did like the Sushi though, but am glad she said to "not ask what's in it before trying it" or I might not know I actually like Eel.
    Bro. Garry
  20. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from Alan in Do You Believe There Was Not Rain Before The Flood Of Noah?   
    Genesis 9:13-14 (KJV)
    13  I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.
    14  And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: 
    By this it appears no one had ever seen a rainbow before the flood.  Another proof of no rain before the flood.
  21. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Pray for me, tonight our Japanese exchange student promises to make us fall in love with Sushi.  I am made especially nervous when she stated we are not allowed to ask what is in it until after we have tried it...
    Bro. Garry
  22. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from HappyChristian in Whats for Supper...   
    Shrimp Tempura, Crab cakes, Japanese vegetables with Ginger and Garlic seasoning, and Custard or Red Bean paste filled Yatsuhashi for desert!  We are entertaining a Japanese exchange student who is an incredible cook!  Will be living large for the next few days, and will be walking around large for weeks afterwards I am afraid.  
  23. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Shrimp Tempura, Crab cakes, Japanese vegetables with Ginger and Garlic seasoning, and Custard or Red Bean paste filled Yatsuhashi for desert!  We are entertaining a Japanese exchange student who is an incredible cook!  Will be living large for the next few days, and will be walking around large for weeks afterwards I am afraid.  
  24. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus got a reaction from candlelight in Whats for Supper...   
    Olive Garden tonight.  I love just about everything on their menu, so I can't tell you exactly what I will order, but I can tell you I will have bread sticks, salad, and one or more of their awesome soups with whatever I order.
  25. Thanks
    2bLikeJesus reacted to DaveW in New Ministry/church Opportunity?   
    I agree with both - a good augmentation ministry, but dangers are there as mentioned.

    In one respect "shut ins" could be served as well by providing the services on a thumb drive - that way they get personal contact when the drive is dropped off (or better yet, watched with them).

    But there is benefit in the "fellowship" that SHOULD happen at church. It was discussed recently about friendship being primarily among Christians - it is important that we build relationships within our churches.

    This would be infinitely more difficult without the face to face.
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