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  1. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to Standing Firm In Christ in The Suit and Tie   
    Eight years pastoring.  Suit and tie twice. (Borrowed both times; glad to return them afterwards)
    suit and tie just not me.
    shotr sleeze shirt and everyday jeans or khakis.
    many in congregation dressed better than me, many worse.  Services were great, people saved, congregations flourished.
  2. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to DaveW in a pic I was sent   
    ' alt='' class='ipsImage' >
  3. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to HappyChristian in New Parable Interpretation?   
    The logic of his position...that's one major prOBlem in Christianity today. We apply man's logic to God's Word.  Doesn't work.
  4. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to Ukulelemike in When Is A Non-Baptist A Baptist?   
    There are a LOT of "Baptist" churches that are neither Baptist NOR church.
  5. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to Salyan in When Is A Non-Baptist A Baptist?   

    This idea of two gospels - one for the Jews and one by Paul for the Gentiles - is unBiblical, heretical nonsense. There is no division. Peter and Paul are not speaking different gospels. How could they? The center of everything they both said is Christ, and He is the one that inspired all the scriptural writings that bear record of their words. There is no separate gospel for the Jew and for the Greek; God deals with both the sane way. Romans 10:10-13; Colossians 3:10-11.

    I find it interesting that you emphasize Acts 3:19, but seem to skip over the previous few verses which explain the faith in Jesus as the Son of God that those unbelieving Jews needed for their salvation. The mechanism of salvation has not changed through the ages. Read Romans 4-5 and you will see this. But then, I'm sure you have read it, and OBviously reject its conclusions.

    I reject your idea of multiple churches/a changed gospel as heresy. I reject it based on the clear reading of Scripture in Ephesians 4:4-6.

    You have been given many second chances in this board despite your poor attitudes, behavior and questionable doctrines. You will not be given any further.
  6. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from Salyan in The Never Ending Story...   
    As my fascination with pondering and burping subsided a little...
  7. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from EKSmith in The Never Ending Story...   
    'You were created to be successful, to accomplish your goals, and to leave your mark on this generation.'   
    And on awakening   That which bought a deep slumber had vanished from my thoughts.
  8. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to ThePilgrim in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban Happy for being hungry but . . . . 
  9. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in The Never Ending Story...   
    'You were created to be successful, to accomplish your goals, and to leave your mark on this generation.'   
    And on awakening   That which bought a deep slumber had vanished from my thoughts.
  10. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from HappyChristian in The Never Ending Story...   
    And I pondered ...   and that mysteriousness which earlier drew my attention ... ...was actually the thought of development of a baconana...
  11. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to HappyChristian in The Never Ending Story...   
    ...when what I REALLY wanted was some bacon.
  12. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from Rosie in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban Rosie for making it hard to know what to ban her for.

  13. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban wooly for listening out of tune. 
  14. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in "Ban The Person Above You" Game   
    Ban NN for singing out of tune above his avatar.

  15. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from No Nicolaitans in Questions Only   
    Are you asking a question or are you making a statement with questionmarks?

  16. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to 2bLikeJesus in Pet Peeves   
    Oh, and make sure before you get your puppy that your car has a pupholder.

  17. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from John81 in Can we count to 50 before a Mod posts?   
    Thanks for the fun.
    Never thought I would see this day!

  18. Thanks
    woolysheep got a reaction from Joseph Redgate in Last one to post in this thread wins   
    A friend said recently that they would give me a "Christian rap' cd for my birthday. I was greatful that he would even think of me and I added if he could make sure the disc was of good quality so that it would last a long time as a drink coaster (coffee). 
  19. Thanks
    woolysheep reacted to Steve Schwenke in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 - "falling Away" Or "departure"?   
    This is called changing the Scripture to fit our theology.  While I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the church, I cannot justify changing any verse of the Bible to prove it.  We change our theology to fit the Scripture, not the Scripture to fit our theology.  It is not necessary to change this passage to prove a pre-trib rapture. 
    The fact is that leading up to the Tribulation, there will be a world-wide apostasy, and we are seeing it come to pass before our very eyes.
    In Christ,
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