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Weights in light of Hebrews 12:1


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Wow this is an old thread!

I must have missed it the first time around.

Just a warning...wait till you get married and have a handful of kids of your own! :lol Its a "weight" as well as a blessing! There will be many "weights" that cumber us about. Even Paul said that once a person gets married, they end up caring for the needs of their family and are no longer able to give 100% to God. Which is fine of course, but time still needs to be given to God.

I have ALOT of trouble giving alot of personal time to God. I can spend 10 minutes online but still be watching the kids or jump up and help them. Usually the only block of time I have for Bible reading is late at night, and sometimes I'm really tired by then. It just takes alot of discipline really, to do it around your "weights"...and maybe that's partially what the verse means....not to let the "weights" drag you down from doing what's right...not necessarily completely casting them off (except of course, sin).

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