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The Bible's Underlying Texts

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@ Will,

I went back to find what I thought you said, it was in the thread that was just locked.

I believe you responded to a partial thought that I said along the lines of the "common man can tell that the KJB is the word of God.", and I was certain that you said something along the lines of I could find a lot of common MV's users that would tell me that the NIV is the word of God just as easily.

I now cannot find the quote on your part so I apologize for laying it on you.

The point however was not that I could go and find a majority, I was in the context of the universal priesthood of believers on that train of thought. In that sense, no sir, we can not find the common English speaking believer that will say the NIV is the word of God. You can find a segment of American Christians that might tell you of their preference for the NIV, but you will not find NIV defenders per se. That segment of believers can not defend their text as a preserved text due to the fact that the Holy Spirit has given no historical verification. The truth is, it has no real history per se as the generation that made it is still present on earth. There must be a history of generational acceptance in order to qualify as a viable recieved text.

Again, my apologies for putting words in your mouth.

God bless,


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For those of you who were talking about Korean Bibles. You should look into a ministry called Bearing Precious Seed. They are a ministry that works to translate the Bible into Textus Receptus based translations for other countries and and such. They believe in King James Onlyism so I am not certain if they are translating the King James Version into other languages or if they are translating directly from the Textus Receptus. You can visit their website here:


You can also read about them here:


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