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Pet Subjects or Tangents


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It was not until I found an joined this forum that I really realized how many Christians either promote or are drawn to what can only be called pet subjects. What I mean are subjects that certain people grab on to, to the exclusion of almost everything else. We have seen a lot of this lately; I won't go into the actual subjects since they will identify the ones holding them. But I think most here will know who and what I refer to.

I have been exposed to some things of this nature in real life, but here on these forums "Hobby Horse" subjects seem to be unpleasantly common. It is extremely uncomfortable when the person that "gloms" on to certain subjects and can't get off of them is a pastor or teacher, but many Christians seem to get in this rut too.

In real life the subjects that I have seen over done are things like; Women wearing pants, women must have long hair, tithing, divorce, men must wear a tie to church, or anyone preaching or teaching must wear a suit and tie, government. The list can go on and on.

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