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Post taken from afraid of dying thread. Are they saved? (proponents of sinful harmful agendas)

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  "Where is our faith"  -   in God, or men like those who trust the doctors and pandemic pushers ?   Are they saved? 

See Foxes Book of Martyrs, free online, about martyrs who would not bow down to usa government, or any government, 

who died instead of giving in to deception,  and would not deny their faith in Jesus. They were not afraid of suffering or death.

One or more who was, who denied their faith,  suffered horribly for months before dying,  and someone else, a teen girl , stepped forward and was martyred in their place, without fear,  at the time they saved their own worthless life by denying Jesus.

On 2/16/2007 at 12:29 AM, JerryNumbers said:

"Madeline, its surely not a stupid question. I think its a very smart question. I have conveyed to our congregation that I'm not scared to die, I know that in order to reach that place where there is no more sorrow, death, crying, or pain, I must shed this body, that our Savior took the sting out of death, that the best is yet to come for those who have Jesus as their brother.

I have watched many brave Christians face death, it seems I had more sorrow than they, its just so hard to lose a good close Christan friend who you love, even Jesus wept because a loved one died.

And if anyone will do some research, they can read about several Christians who have face death because of their stand for God, and did so very bravely, we serve the same God they did, the only thing we lack is strong faith.

One brave lady I visited told me, "Bro. Jerry, don't worry about me, I know I'm not going to make it, God will take care of me, but I have some close loved ones who do not know God, that's who I'm worried for."

I did not question who these were, I just asked her right them, "Mary, would you like me to say a prayer with you on their behalf and even ask God to give me and you strength and faith?

Her answer was yes, I held her very weak hand and we prayed, afterwards she gave me a very weak smile and said, "Its much better now, thank you so much"

I said, "No Mary, thank you, your helping me so much" She did not know how much she helped me to have even more faith in God and Jesus.

I spoke to her only a few more short minutes, asked if I could have a hug, she put her weak arms around my neck, kissed me on the cheek, said I'll see you on the other side.

The next day Mary went home to be with our Lord.

Where is our faith?"

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