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Communist Using Conoravirus to Persecute Churches


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In mainland, or Communist, China, the communist government is using the Conoravirus situation to further crackdown on churches. If you read the article carefully you will notice that after the churches started to broadcast their services via the internet the crackdown intensified. Also, you may want to notice that the videos, and the recorded messages, werre used against the speakers and even the members of the congregations.

Quote, "Religious freedom watchdogs say the Chinese Communist Party is using the coronavirus outbreak as cover for further persecuting religion, tearing down some churches and using cameras to carefully monitor others.

The Voice of Martyrs (VOM), a non-profit group that helps persecuted Christians throughout the world, reported that Chinese officials have been trampling religious worship during the COVID-19 lockdown.

“China is now holding itself up as a model for fighting the coronavirus,” VOM spokesman Tom Nettleton told Fox News. “But fighting the pandemic hasn’t stopped communist officials from persecuting Christians.”

End of quote.

Here is the link to the article. https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/asia/item/35258-china-uses-coronavirus-panic-as-excuse-to-crack-down-on-churches

One of the results of the current conoravirus situation is that national and local government, in the U.S. and the nations of the world, is now in the position to curtail church services, force, bully, or intimidate church services on the internet, and quite possibly, in the future, control the messages of the church and then to prosecute those messages deemed inappropriate to the government. 

Edited by Alan
added the word 'situation'
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