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Why Create A Problem?


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One of the reasons for police officers responding to stupid calls is demonstrated by what occured in this video.  A "good citizen" called the police because someone was walking down the street with their hands in their pockets.  Nothing bad happened in this incident, but to many times it does.  If there is no prOBlem why call in people with guns?



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One summer we had the police down here over a half dozen times because someone kept calling them claiming our dog didn't have water, food, shelter or shade. The first time it wasn't a big deal, but when they kept coming back and it should have been OBvious from the street that the same food and water pans were still in place, the dog house was clearly visible, at least part of the dogs area had shade during the entire day.


Finally, the sixth time the police showed up I asked them how many times does someone have to make a false complaint before the police do something about them. The office said he thought he knew who was calling (I know he knew, this is a small town, I knew who it was too, a busy-body older lady and her spinster daughter who would drive around town looking for something to complain about). That was the last time the police stopped by to check on our dog.


When I was 16 someone set some leaves on fire near a power pole in town. I didn't know anything about it as I was about 10 miles away at a friends house. When I got back to town another friend and I went riding our bikes around town and I got stopped and accused of setting the fire because some old lady said she saw me walking down the sidewalk right before the fire started.


First off, back then I didn't walk anywhere. Secondly, I hadn't even been in town when it happened and earlier in the day when I was i town I was at home and went straight from there to my friends place, driving my truck, about ten miles away.


Some people just like to think they know stuff, want to be involved in things, are super snoopy and have wild imaginations. Then there are some who just want to cause trouble.


Unfortunately, the police have to respond to all these reports. In the case in the video, had the officer and/or the man out for a walk got hot headed or mouthy that encounter could have turned ugly real quick.

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