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 Finished your book. Once again, thanks. I really liked the use of sooooooo much Bible. When you have God's Word on the matter, it is had to argue. I gave it to my wife to read, but she is struggling with it. She LOVES her CCM and she feels those against it is be "nit-picky". So it is not the books prOBlem with her struggling to read it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it...she don't want to believe her belief is broke.


     I appreciate the review. Sorry to here about your wife's struggles with CCM. We will pray that she gains the victory. I have been told privately by a friend of mine that I should watch my back over some of the things that I said in the book. It seems that I upset a few people because I named specific churches, specific people, and specific incidents. One of those churches is in the town that we live in and it seems that I caused quite a stir in that church. Oh well. That's life.



     Bro Steve Smith


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I appreciate the review. Sorry to here about your wife's struggles with CCM. We will pray that she gains the victory. I have been told privately by a friend of mine that I should watch my back over some of the things that I said in the book. It seems that I upset a few people because I named specific churches, specific people, and specific incidents. One of those churches is in the town that we live in and it seems that I caused quite a stir in that church. Oh well. That's life.

Bro Steve Smith

2Ti 3:12
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.


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I know that this is an old thread, I happened across it last evening and was very troubled. I would like to point out that a lot of accusations are made in that book with nothing more than 1 person's perspective to back it up. Having named names puts Mr. Smith in a possible position of libel. 


I would urge anyone reading this to call those Pastors and verify the accusations. There is a verse in Tim about not receiving accusations against others after all.


Call me a Bible thumper! It's a compliment. 

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