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Love And Do Good


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Present the gospel but along with it do good especially with the brothers and sisters in Christ


" As i t is on earth I must do good to others, so
it must be in a manner suited to their earthly state.
Souls are here closely united to bodies, by which
they must receive much good or hurt. Do good
to men's bodies, i f thou wouldest do good to their
souls. Say not. Things corporeal are worthless
trifles, for which the receivers will be never the
better. They are things that nature is easily sensible
of, and sense is the passage to the mind and
w i l l . Dost thou not find what a help it is to thyself,
to have at any time any ease and alacrity of body;
and what a burden and hinderance pains and cares
are? Labor then to free others fiom such burdens
and temptations, and be not regardless of them.
I f thou must * rejoice with them that rejoice, and
weep with them that weep,' promote then thy
own j o y by helping theirs, and avoid thy own sorrows
in preventing or curing theirs. But, alas !
what power has selfishness in most! How easily
do we bear our brethren's pains and reproaches,
wants and afflictions, in comparison of our own!
How few thoughts and how little cost and labor
do we use for their supply, in comparison of what
we do for ourselves! Nature indeed teaches us to
be sensible of our own case; but grace tells us
that we should not make so great a diflference aa
we do, but should love our neighbor as ourselves."


The Christian's Hope
for the
Life Hereafter


God bless,


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