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The World....hates....christ.

Daniel Rush

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The world hates Christ.


  As a Christian, talking of true bible believing Christians, there is a reality which must be understood as far as today is concerned. To understand the world as it is now will only make the gospel more clearly defined between what being Christian is and what it is not.


The reality is...the world hates Christ. Just take in this simple litmus test (and I speak non-biblical) if our LORD came on the earth today, now, at this time and preached the very gospel he spoke in Israel 2000 years ago...would the world accept him or would they try to kill him? Would they call his LORD or would they call him a bigot, a homophobe, a sexist,  or a racist? Be honest with yourself, do you really think that the world as it is now would accept Christ or hate Christ?


What is Christmas? Is it "of Christ" or is it paganism masking as Christ? What is a "MAS", is it not meaning "death"? Should we Christians celebrate "Christ-Death?" Did Christ, did GOD even command us to celebrate his birth or mix his gospel with pagan iconography?


What is Easter? Is Easter of Christ or of paganism swirled to look Christ-like? Did GOD command us to celebrate our savior being nailed to a tree or are we to go out and make disciples and spread the gospel? Once again, should we be mixing pagan iconography and earth worship with our Christ?


The world hates our Christ. People in North Korea are being shot dead for speaking of Christ. Street preaching Christians in America are spat upon, cursed at, threatened and in many cases have been beaten for speaking the gospel. Do you really think if our LORD had been doing the same...now? Do you think he would not be treated the same? Was he not run out of villages many times because his very words angered those comfortable in their sins.


America hates Christ. Yes...your so called "Christian" nation hates him. If America loved Christ, loved GOD, do you think she would murder the unborn? Give rights to sodomites? export wicked movies, pornography, rock music and sodomite theology all over the world? Christian nation, are you that blind?


Man hates Christ. Man creates religion and the world religion means "To hold back." Man creates mormonism and follows after a lying demon named maroni. Man creates Islam after a false moon demon and commands murder. Man changes the gospel to support sodomy and calls it the "gay gospel". Man creates the NIV, the NKJV, and a hundred so called translations because he claims his children are too stupid to read the old King James. Man hates Christ so he changes and fools (evil) around with GODs holy word to fit mans' whims.


Feminists hate Christ. Christ declares that women shall not be pastors, priests, decons or church elders for a reason. Now we have feminist stoked false pastors marrying sodomites and changing GODs holy words to suit the world. We have women angry because Christ and GOD gave them their place and they hate it because it calls out their self serving lusts, including the murders they commit on the unborn.


False Christians hate Christ. False preachers teach empty salvation and not sin. Teach a prosperity blasphemy of worldly love not love for Christ. Preach false gospel for big bucks and not for the bride of Christ. Excuse perversions, deviancy and sodomy and claim they're saved when they're on their way to hell. False Christians wear crosses and bumper stickers but don't get out on the street to tell people they're on the fast lane to hell. False Christians go to church on Sunday, booze up on Monday and teach their daughters how to become Disney whores the rest of the week. False Christians watch "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" and laugh as they mock our Christ!


Hollywood hates Christ. Hollywood is the wood of the wiccan wand and Hollywood is occult evil. Were Ben Hur and Ten Commandments movies about GOD or were they movies with lust and fornication? What is Hollywood's spirit? Is Harry Potter a Christian movie? Was Lion, Witch and Wardrobe Chirstian and if so why was there a perverted Greek demon called "Pan" in the film? C.S. Lewis was no Christian, he was a lost athiest who roamed as a Christian to make filthy lucre. So was J.R. Tolken, a lost Catholic who now rots in hell.


This world loves our GOD are you kidding me? Honestly? Can you really look GOD in the eye and tell him that the world loves him today?


Oprah Winfrey, Doctor Phil and Doctor OZ hate our Christ. Demon disciples of new age idolatry, new age spiritualism and new age demonism; Christians should have nothing to do with these television vipers.


Rock Music, Rap music, Hip Hop....filthy trash and their singers hate and mock our GOD and spit on our Christ! "Hotel California"? The church of satan in LA. "Nowhere Man" by the Beatles? An assault on Christians. Rock musicians hate Christ. What do you think "We are the world" is? Anti-Christ, New Age glorification of man over Christ.


Christ testified that the world hates him. John 15:18..."If the world hate you, ye know that [it  hated] me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are  not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."


             the world hates Christ! The Jews hated Christ, their leaders hated Christ and they brought Christ to trial and they murdered him. John 15:22 “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin. {15:23} He that hateth me hateth my Father also. {15:24} If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. {15:25} But [this cometh to pass,] that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.”


      Only a remnant of the Jews will be saved, only a remnant of this world will be saved because this world hates Christ and those who deny him and deny the father will go to hell. The whole world will rise up to attack him, to attack him in Israel and they will desire to murder him but in the end they will not resist the power of the glory of our LORD….they and their filthy world are doomed!


      I Corinthians 2:8 “Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known [it,] they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” The Presidents, the ministers, the princes, the captains and the kings of this world….hate...our….Christ and they hate you Christian and if they had their way...they would murder us. So where do you stand?


    You defend the faith or you coward in fear. You trust in the LORD and HIS word or you make excuses because you don’t want to offend or be hated but as our LORD commands us to defend the gospel so he warns us to be ready to catch hell in buckets because the world hates Christ, the world hates us and the world if it had its way would kill us.


    As Moses said as he came down from the mountain to view the wickedness of his people…”Who is with the LORD!” You are with GOD or you are with the golden calf of this world and dare you to be caught in the hands of an angry GOD when he comes not with false love but with the love of the iron rod and the sword of fire.


   If you are not prepared to stand for the LORD and his gospel and be hated then what kind of Christian do you dare call yourself? You best know what spirit you serve.

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