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National Military Cemetery Of Bien Hoa


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A short distance away to the north of the highway, we find the old South Vietnamese national military cemetery, called the Bien Hoa cemetery. At one time, this was the largest cemetery in southern Vietnam.
Now it is surrounded by a high cinderblock wall topped by rolls of barbed wire and overseen by watchtowers. A sign warns visitors not to take pictures. Even a nearby hillside temple, where one might normally begin a paying of respects, is off limits.
Next to the cemetery we see what looks like a few hundred new Vietnamese army recruits doing laundry and planting vegetables. Why are so many troops needed at such a spot? Why does the cemetery look like an armed camp?
Think what it might be like to have your soldier relatives who lost their life fighting for your country buried in a cemetery that you could not enter. That is what happened there,  South Vietnamese National Military Cemetery, called the Bien Hoa cemetery. 
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