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Bits From Hosea


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For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal. (Hosea 2:8)

    How many of us spent much of our lives in the same state as these?   I know I did.  I didn’t know that all the blessings around me, and that were given me were from the Lord; I was “my own man” and made things happen MY way, or so I thought.   I had given my life to the false gods of this world, lust; materialism; humanism, oh, I had many gods, but like so many others, I did not recognize THE God, the Most High, the Almighty God.   I thank Him with all my heart that He reached out to me in spite of myself, and saved me.  His love reached through the stone wall of resistance that I had built; it scaled the wall of self satisfaction and pride, and chased me with an easy and blessed gait.   Thank God that it ran me down until I became weary with running, and succumbed to the greatest thing that man could ever imagine, the grace of God.  
    One wonders how many others out there in that big old world have the same dilemma?  How many don’t know that God is their Provider, their benefactor?   We need to let them know how gracious our Lord really is.  

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