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Falling into sin


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I am new to this website. I am seeking out help with my personal walk with Christ. I was saved June 7th, 2009.. I remember that day very well! But, Satan is throwing his attacks at me and I am not getting victory over old sins.. I am trying, but I just cant do it.. I have prayed about it and I just keep falling. I belong to a good Church and I love it there, been there over 7 years. But, I just want to broaden my view of help. I really would like someone to make some suggestions as to what i may be able to do. I am sunk into sin, and I want desperately to get out!

---Shaun DeShazo

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Shaun, one of the first counsels I would give you is to seek counsel form your pastor. I would start to ask ? about the sins, (not going to here) and then discuss what it is that keeps you in it, physically attraction, alcohol takes a physical hold on the body which needs to be broken, is just an example. That is where a pastor's counsel comes in. I will be bold to say that even if you like the church you are in, if the need for help cannot be found there then you need to find a place that God can help you.

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First, I want to extend a warm welcome to this forum. I hope you will spend more time here. It helps me get through my day when I can pop in here periodically and read messages by fellow travellers of the narrow path. I think you will find this a very warm, welcoming, helpful and compassionate group.

I hope you have, or will be able to, find true friends in the Lord who will help hold you accountable and keep you on the narrow path. It helps tremendously to have people around you who understand the difficulties of temptation, and will help encourage you and hold you up when you are feeling weak and assailed by the enemy of souls.

Please be assured of my prayers and I'm sure there will be many other people here who will be praying for you as well!

"For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace." (Romans 6:14)

"Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption." (Psalm 130:7)

"He will turn again, He will have compassion upon us; He will subdue our iniquities; and Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea." (Micah 7:14)

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Find a good friend you trust, and open up and tell that person your struggles, and that person may do the same. As you share with other trusted friends what you struggle with and bring sin into the light, we begin to see it for what it is. That other person can help encourge us to stay strong in our struggles.

One thing I have learned is that we cannot do this life alone. We must have good friends to help us. It takes prayer and a good friend to hold you accountable.

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