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    Landmarkheritage reacted to robmac68 in "REPLENISH" the earth.....   
    I was reading over this thread and came across this older post.  Why is it so hard to believe that God put Dino on the ark?  I think all the drawings of the occurrence is confusing people.  Does God say in His Word that He put full grown animals on the ark?  Why not have them all puppies and kittens and joeys etc.?  If they were adult lions and tigers, did God close their mouths like in the lions den?  If they were little babies and just off the bottle, they would be quite tame.  If all the animals were just off the bottle, they wouldn't eat as much food in 40 days which would make it easier to stock the food pantry.  And baby dinosaurs would not be a problem.   
    I've heard issues on what would the meat eaters eat just of the ark?  There wouldn't be animals to hunt.  No, but I bet there were plenty of fish flopping around on dry land after the waters receded.  And probably small puddles that caught some fish that would be fairly easy to catch once all the "flopping" fish were eaten.  And then bigger puddles with fish would slowly dry up and so on and on.  I bet the fish would keep the meat eaters sustained while all the animals were multiplying.  
    Or God, in His omnipotence, fed them and just didn't need to record it in His Word because we just need to take Him at His word.  When you worship an omnipotent God who can speak things in to existence, it is not difficult to believe His account of the flood.  
  2. Like
    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from Joe Chandler in "REPLENISH" the earth.....   
    I do indeed believe the Genesis account to be correct, literal and infallible.
  3. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to R Sauter in Shepherd's Chapel   
    Arnold Murray is (was) a heretic of the "Captain Obvious" variety! There is absolutely nothing of redeeming value in anything he teaches or preaches! There is so much good material on the web, why waste your time there?
    What attracts gullible people (especially Baptists) is the fact that he does give a semblance of honest to God verse-by-verse study and it often sharply contrasts with the garbage that comes from certain "Fundamental" Baptist pulpits where some loud-mouthed slob opens up his Bible, quotes a "Spring Board" text and then blathers away for an hour or so on a bunch of opinionated nonsense!
    This is why Baptists are often "Easy Pickings" for the Mormons, Jehovah "False" Witnesses, and so forth! And I am talking about SBC and IFB!
    You want to "Cult Proof" your Church? Start teaching your people the Bible and bridle your tongue where any "Opinionated Rants" are concerned!
    Not sure if it pertains to anyone here but if it helps, you are welcome!😎
  4. Thanks
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Jerry in "REPLENISH" the earth.....   
    Adam and Eve were the first humans created. All other people descended from them - therefore Cain married one of his sisters.
  5. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to R Sauter in Gifts 🎁 for Christmas yes or no 😂   
    I wear a suit and tie to Church maybe 2 to 3 times a year. I believe you should dress in a manner that is respectful to the office you hold and that you take such seriously. This does not always equate to "Suit and Tie" apparel though. I have seen IFB pastors with "Open Collars" in the pulpit and I am just fine with that.
  6. Like
    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from BrotherTony in Gifts 🎁 for Christmas yes or no 😂   
    I would agree, most pastors and members of our churches wear a tie and a suit, it is uncommon in my state convention to find a pastor wearing anything but a suit and tie.
  7. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in Gifts 🎁 for Christmas yes or no 😂   
    I think your crack about the Southern Baptists pastors was uncalled for. A majority of them still dress in a suit and tie. You should know this since you attend an SBC affiliated church. 
  8. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to TheGloryLand in Jehovah witness invited me to their Easter Service   
    Billy Graham? I want my MTV and Country music. ?Now, I do disagree with my pastor sometimes. Woman and pants? they need to repent and buy shorts, and visit your church or meetings. ? You are funnier than me.
  9. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in Biden pardon marijuana users…   
    Mr. Biden is one warped, twisted, and totally lost individual. I pray for his salvation, but for the end of his administration to come quickly.
  10. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from Salyan in Her, She, Him He, She + He = Couple   
    We should not use those kind of things unless we are using the biblical and correct English definitions and pronouns, no church should encourage its members to do that.
  11. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in Female pastors   
    Belmont in Nashville might fit as well.
  12. Like
    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from HappyChristian in Female pastors   
    It is Baylor university.
  13. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Jim_Alaska in Is the R.C. church a christian church?   
    The word Christian means "Christ like". The RC church is anything but Christ like. I even hesitate to call it a church.
  14. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Invicta in Is the R.C. church a christian church?   
    Please give your opinion.  My answer is NO.
  15. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Disciple.Luke in Country and Western Music "Christianity."   
    I definitely understand and agree with how you feel about modern country music. It's very different than the stuff I grew up hearing as young child.
    Even the country music in the late 80s into the 90s had some morally questionable lyrics but for me many of the songs gave me sort of a foundation when it came to God's presence in the world since my parents didn't speak of anything religious.
    Probably the best example would be the George Strait song "A Love Without End, Amen"...where I was able to see God's goodness by thinking of how much my earthly father loved and provided for me.
    Even songs like Lee Greenwood's - God Bless The USA made me feel proud to be in a country that worshipped HIM.
    It's very different now. The music and lyrics are so generic and don't have any real meaning to them. There seems to be a tendency for country singers to transition to Christian music later in life like Randy Travis and Alan Jackson.
  16. Like
    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from BrotherTony in Her, She, Him He, She + He = Couple   
    We should not use those kind of things unless we are using the biblical and correct English definitions and pronouns, no church should encourage its members to do that.
  17. Like
    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from BrotherTony in Christian Music Training   
    You could learn the organ to assist with hymnal choirs perhaps?
  18. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Invicta in Christian Music Training   
    If you are playing guitar,  I would just say that our pastor wont allow a guitar in the church even in the Sunday school. He considers they are too connected with rock music. I pointed out that pianos have also been connected to Rock music and boogie, but it didn't make any difference, he won't change his mind.
  19. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Salyan in Christian Music Training   
    To be honest, I think the safest sacred music is hymns. Which don’t require additional chord progressions, because one just plays with or expands on written chords (and that’s come out of the classical tradition). My experience with the addition of chords that are not written is that they quite often conflict with the actual harmonies of the hymn, and make it difficult for people to sing in harmony. Most guitar chord progressions are written over-simplistically, and don’t coincide with the complicated chording already present in the body of the hymn.
    I’m probably not the best conversation on this subject, because I really am such a sight reader. As I recall, the 2–5–1 is a pretty basic chord progression that you will see in the construction of the end of most hymns.
  20. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to BrotherTony in My Granddaughter   
    Sometimes it's necessary to limit or prohibit contact. I hate to see it happen, but sometimes it's the only option. Prayers are about all one can do in an advanced situation like that.
  21. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to Napsterdad in Hello   
    Greetings. Welcome aboard!
  22. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to HappyChristian in Hello   
    Glad to have you join us.
  23. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage reacted to TheGloryLand in What preachers do you listen to? Are they heretical?   
    I enjoy hearing pastor Charles Lawson. He tells it the way it is.
  24. Like
    Landmarkheritage reacted to HappyChristian in Preaching on the mother of God, the virgin Mary   
    @TheGloryLand. please go ahead and change "God" in your title to "Jesus." And cut "the virgin" out. Salyan explained it well.  Sometimes when I look up a topic on the Internet, one of the titles from our forum will pop up. I've always thought that was pretty neat. However, we don't want folks thinking we as a board believe in the perpetual virginity or godhood of Mary. Thanks, TGL.
  25. I Agree
    Landmarkheritage got a reaction from Napsterdad in Who Is The Best Publisher Of The King James Version?   
    I like the Scofield reference study bible
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