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Everything posted by TheGloryLand

  1. Like many cultures the Italians, become Americanize. By not using original ingredients and fresh products, but start buying frozen and quick serving menus. Can openers Worn-out. You gotta fly to Europe, Italy to find a great Italian pizza.
  2. Have you tried to siting down, with your family, to enjoy a movie on T.V together. https://www.afa.net/the-stand/family/2021/12/wickedness-before-our-eyes/
  3. Keep doing what you are doing, it will grow, the soul winning. This forum needs a leader in this area, you can be that person. You have my prayers and support, I will be waiting and watching.
  4. Did you ever fine what you were looking for, just checking.
  5. I can see them looking to the heavens, the sky, when they pray and are seeking God.
  6. Thanks, when did this begin, and is it biblical to practice.
  7. Can you share with me, why we do this, and when did it being. Is this in the Bible, this action, or is it traditionally practice. Can I pray with my eyes open. Thanks
  8. Sad, but if we are not welcome or in danger. We are not responsible, or should be there. Pray for them, our brothers and sisters. We are not the World police anymore.
  9. Soul Winning, this topic should be the hottest one on this forum. But it's on the back burner. I am not blaming anyone, for we all fall short. I pray, that this Soul Winning forum page, stand out, and grow in Jesus name.
  10. You are being watched, Pot stirrer they call it here. Just take a break. Post and reply to some faith base issues. You can do it. Enjoy
  11. You do good work, and very professional. Just don't call anyone bad names around here.
  12. Did not know this, he is mention often here. Was he a liberal, this Bill guy.
  13. I know this might sound like a stupid question, but if a person is a bebe in Christ, I can see hate, coming out of that person. For they are eating baby food. But for a pastor, that is mature in the faith, eating steak, hating and treating unfairly a members. I know that we are only human, pastors too, We all need to seek help, sooner or later. Don't let your title, get to your head my friend. God bless
  14. So you're the famous Bouncing Bill, everyone talks about, have you quit posting here, or were you banded, from posting. Just checking my friend. Have a nice weekend
  15. Through out the years of my living, it appear to me less importance in the ministry. People and times are changing, before the man was the weaker vessel, in temptation. Now young ladies are not satisfied, with men being polite, waiting. The man was always the blame for not waiting to have sex, no longer. I'm not saying all woman, but a higher percentage of them are on fire. Men don't need to try hard or ask too, its has become a game. Part time lovers, nobody gets hurt. Sad
  16. I thought it was to have more members, church growth, when combining other denominations, excepting some of their teachings, and ways of worshiping. Many Bible versions and more.
  17. I’m neutral and not one sided. We must be open to any mayor changes for the best of the humanity. Pollution never did well, anywhere so far. So we all know that it is world problem. Cleaning up after are self, is a good start. Those that don’t, will suffer in their own Countries. Look at China and México Cities, they are having a hard time just breathing. US does not have to pay or take lead. Everyone to their own, we are no longer the world police.
  18. No, just me, let's come back to it in 2023, I am just speaking freely, hopefully wrong. I have no proof, and you are right.
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